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Viral Video Starling vs Roadbike, Who Wins to Make Netizens Wonder

Starling vs Roadbike. (Twitter/ efenerr)

Hitekno.com – Viral on social media, the video is fighting three cyclist, the unique thing is that one of them is a coffee seller starling (starbuck traveling). Amazingly, he competed against two cyclists roadbike.

In this recording, it displays the competition between the three of them starling vs roadbike on Jalan Sudirman-Thamrin Jakarta recently.

Who won the starling vs road bike race? Making netizens surprised to see this viral video on social media.

The figure of the seller kopi starling applause immediately flooded because it can go fast ahead of the road bike cyclists.

One of the videos of the action of men riding bicycles but different types and shapes was shared by the Twitter account @efenerr.

Starling vs Roadbike, “he wrote as quoted by beritahits.id, Friday (12/3/2021).

Leading Starling Coffee Seller

Viral racing race against starling sellers and road bike cyclists (Twitter).

In a viral video on social media that is spread, the moment when a starling merchant is racing with a roadbike cyclist is recorded.

Both of them seemed to be trying to pedal the pedals to get ahead and win the speed race.

The action of starling coffee traders is in the spotlight. Because, he who does not have the gear looks ‘insistent’ on the pedal as hard as he can.

The starling trader is in contrast to a roadbike cyclist who pedals a bicycle calmly because the vehicle is equipped with gears.

Even so, it turned out that the two roadbike cyclists and the starling seller had some surprising results.

The starling coffee seller managed to beat a race against a roadbike cyclist after his passion for pedaling.

At the end of the video, you can see a roadbike cyclist giving a thumbs up sign of salute to the starling seller.

Netizen Response

The video of the starling seller competing with a roadbike cyclist has garnered various comments.

One is accustomed to pedaling to stay alive. While one pedals for a lifestyle, “said Dbrahmantyo.

I’m the starling seller brother, “replied Ur ******* pie.

In addition, there are also netizens who focus on cycling paths. He praised the starling salesman for keeping the vehicle on the right track.

Respect the Starling brothers. In addition to winning against expensive bicycle brothers, also obeying traffic and obeying health protocols by wearing masks and keeping your distance.“timpal Dw ***** fin.

There have been many styles, lost, breaking the rules too (road bike cyclists). Try to pay attention to brother Starling still driving in the left lane. Damage the image of a cyclist, “tukas Di ****** at.

However, it is suspected that the public only intended to make fun of the racing action between road bikers and starling coffee sellers.

It has been watched hundreds of thousands of times, the video of the fast-paced selling of starling coffee sellers with road bikes has become increasingly viral on social media. (BeritaHits.id/ Hernawan).

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