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Viral, the police hug video is able to melt emotional travelers, this is the story

KOMPAS.com – Circulating on social media a video showing a traffic officer hugging a motorbike rider.

From the video uploaded by the Satlantas_Karawang Instagram account, a policeman is seen hugging a male driver on the side of the road.

Also read: When Police Give Warm Hugs to Emotional Travelers

The conditions on the road at that time looked quite busy.

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“When the situation is emotional, only a warm hug is the solution,” said the quote in the video uploaded on Instagram Satlantas_Karawang.

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An emotional rider

After being traced, it turned out that the driver who was hugged was an emotional homecoming when the officer at the Tanjungpura Blockage Post, Karawang, West Java, asked him to turn back.

The incident occurred on Monday (10/5/2021) in the morning.

The driver who was riding a Z -plate motorbike was emotional and wanted to break through the line of guards who were on duty.

To calm the travelers, the Head of the Traffic Unit for the Karawang Police, AKP, Rizky Adi Saputro, then hugged the motorcyclist.

At that time, Rizky was on guard with the Kapolres Karawang AKBP Rama Samtama Putra and joint officers.

“Finally, the travelers are willing to be turned back, want to return to Jakarta,” said Rizky to Kompas.com via short message, Monday (10/5/2021).

The travelers were then given an understanding of the prohibition of going home and preventing the spread of the corona virus.

Finally, the man wearing the red jacket wanted to make a U-turn at 01.45 WIB.

Rizky said, the Eid homecoming insulation in Ketupat Lodaya Operation 2021 prioritizes humanist principles to the community. (Karawang Contributing Writer, Farida Farhan | Editor Abba Gabrillin)

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