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Viral perthalitis accused of being a waste after the price hike, really?


PT Pertamina (Persero) has raised his voice on the question on social media that the type of fuel oil (BBM) Pertalite called more expensive after the price increase. This is lamented by motorists and motorcyclists who claim that Pertalite wears out faster with the same mileage.

Pertamina confirmed that the quality of Pertalite (RON 90) type fuel oil (BBM) has not changed. Pertalite, marketed through official distributors in Indonesia, complies with the decree of the general director of the oil and gas sector number 0486.K / 10 / DJM.S / 2017 concerning the standards and quality (specifications) of 90 types of fuel oil gasoline marketed nationwide.

“The limitations in the Director General of Oil and Gas specifications that indicate the evaporation rate at room temperature include the Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) parameter. Currently the results of the RVP test from Pertalite which are distributed by the Fuel Oil Terminal (TBBM) of Pertamina are still within the permitted limits, ie in the range 45-69 kPa (Kilopascal), “said Irto Ginting, company secretary of Pertamina Patra Niaga, in a written statement on Wednesday (9/21/2022).


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Pertamina guarantees all combustible products included Pertalite channeled through official channeling institutions such as gas stations and Pertashop in accordance with specifications and through strict quality control. Meanwhile, combustible products that do not meet the specified specifications will not be distributed to the public.

“Pertamina is committed to distributing quality fuel products according to specifications. Through quality control, products that do not meet the specifications will not be distributed to distributors,” said Irto.

Pertamina urges consumers to purchase fuel from official distribution agencies, such as petrol stations and Pertashop, in order to ensure the quality and safety of the fuel products obtained.

The public is also advised to fill up with fuel according to the provisions set out in the motor vehicle manual because the manufacturer has adapted the fuel according to the type of vehicle. It is also not recommended to replace the content of different types of fuel with different octane levels (RON).

“The driver should always be consistent in choosing quality fuel, so that the vehicle’s engine is always durable and well maintained. It is safer to use quality fuel with the manufacturer’s recommended octane / cetane, so that the engine can run. in an optimal way “, concluded Irto.

Watch the video: Pertalite is in the dirty fuel category, why is it still on sale in Indonesia?

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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