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Viral: mother loses her three children in an accident and later has triplets | TRENDS

Updated on 02/16/2021 06:44 pm

In 2007, a tragic accident on the road in the community of Ladera Ranch in California, United States, broke the hearts of Chris and Lori Coble, who lost their children, after a trailer collided with the back of their vehicle. . The children lost their lives instantly.

“At some point, all you want to do is be with the kids and end this constant feeling of grief. You can easily consider ending your own life, because you think it would be better in the sense that you could see them again. But at the same time, you leave the other person – your wife – ”Chris said. “We promised not to leave the other abandoned,” Lori clarified.

However, a year after the painful event, the couple tried to have more children, and through in vitro fertilization they had 3 more children: the triplets Ashley, Ellie and Jake

“At first we thought about putting only two eggs, but once we knew that it was two girls and one boy, we took it as a sign from above,” Lori said.

“They will never replace Kyle, Emma and Katie. But joy returned to our home. It is back in our hearts. They once again filled our lives with love, happiness and laughter. They know they have two sisters and a brother in heaven, ”he added.

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