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Viral 18-year-old girl has a stroke after complaining of ringing in her ears


An 18-year-old girl who is often called Skar, has gone viral on TikTok because she is still relatively young and has had a stroke. No one thought, daily habits that are often carried out actually lead to stroke

He said the main trigger was because he often used earphones which eventually became a trigger for radiation. The 18-year-old girl also admitted that she rarely exercised and was active outside the home.

The initial complaint this girl felt was an earache. He felt his ears buzzing non stop since September last year. After being checked into the hospital, it turned out to be a stroke symptom.

“Going to the hospital because I can’t hear my ears, I thought because I rarely cleaned it. It turned out that I had a stroke,” said the owner of the TikTok account @urfavjavanese, quoted by detikcom with the permission of the person concerned, Tuesday (21/6/2022).

A neurologist, Dr. Rubiana Nurhayati, SpS, stated that a stroke is difficult to recognize because it comes suddenly and without showing symptoms.

“That’s why it’s called the silent killer because there are no sudden signs, suddenly we can call it a stroke. A stroke has no special signs, in my language, I don’t use permission, it happens right away,” he said in an e-life detikcom session, Friday (17/6/2022).

Although strokes come suddenly, according to Dr. Rubiana, strokes can be prevented by knowing the risk factors.

“Stroke can be due to genetics such as a family history of stroke, or there is a blood viscosity disease, and autoimmune in the family. Only most stroke patients are due to unattended living habits,” he said.

“So we have to be aware, look for risk factors. Check high blood pressure, blood viscosity, cholesterol, improve lifestyle, if you have frequent headaches, do an MRI/MRA. See if there is a risk of aneurysm or brain blood vessel abnormalities,” he said again.

Dr. Rubiana advised those of us who are worried about having a stroke at a young age, to immediately conduct a medical examination, especially for those who have family members at risk of stroke and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Watch Videos “These are the signs of a stroke
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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