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Violinist Dmitry Smirnov honored with the Osnabrück Music Prize | NDR.de – culture – music

Status: 05.04.2022 08:07

The Russian violinist Dmitry Smirnov played Ukrainian compositions in Osnabrück. “Don’t tear bridges” was the motto of the concert evening, during which he was also awarded the Osnabrück Music Prize.

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4 Min

by Birgit Schutte

Dmitry Smirnov, a young Russian violinist, plays a violin concerto by Valentin Silvestrov. The now 84-year-old Ukrainian composer fled Kyiv because of the war and has recently moved to Berlin. The violin concerto is new and exciting for the 27-year-old violinist. He especially likes the variety of styles of the concert. Because the joy of discovery is his trademark. With this, Smirnov also convinced the jury of the Osnabrück Music Prize.

Dmitry Smirnov plays music by Silvestrov and Shostakovich

In his laudation via video, the director of the Baden-Baden Festival Hall, Benedikt Stampa, says that Dmitry Smirnov stands for a new generation of musicians who easily overcome boundaries. Whether geographically, between musical styles or epochs. Actually, Dmitry Smirnov was supposed to play a violin concerto by Haydn in Osnabrück. But due to current events, the program was changed at short notice.

Now two Ukrainian pieces are followed by Shostakovich’s Eighth Symphony, conducted by Daniel Inbal, who says of the piece: “What a statement not only against the hell that has been played out in Russia by the German troops, it is also – like Shostakovich later said in his memoirs – a statement against violence of any kind. So a requiem for all victims of violence.”

“Don’t let bridges tear down” is the theme of the concert evening. “I think it’s important because we’re moving like a wave in a direction that runs the risk of demonizing Russians, Russians who have nothing to do with Putin,” says conductor Inbal. “It’s a statement to make a concert like this, where everyone works together. And the music also embodies the ideal of humanity to come together and build bridges.” And the audience is also moved by this concert evening.

Smirnov has already collected several awards

Smirnov began playing the violin at the age of five. His parents were professional choral singers. Today, the 27-year-old lives with his wife in Switzerland and performs throughout Europe. In addition to the Osnabrück Music Prize, he has already collected a number of prizes. Conductor Daniel Inbal was part of the jury and was delighted with the way Smirnov played. “Wildly designed, torn down, but rousing,” is how Inbal describes Smirnov’s style. “It was this diversity that made us choose him. [… man hat] noticed how this person lives for the music, is intensely enthusiastic and enthusiastic – and all this without ego with total devotion.”

The violinist condemns the brutality of war. But he does not want to express himself politically. “Of course I’m on the side of those who want to build bridges and keep in touch,” said Smirnov before the concert. “I have friends and family in Russia and Ukraine. When we talk about politics, that’s one thing. But we’re more like: Let’s do a concert together. Let’s play – and let’s find out who Silvestrov is.”

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NDR Culture | Classic in the day | 05.04.2022 | 7:40 a.m

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