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Violent Snatching Spree in Rueil-Malmaison: Three Minors Arrested After Five Attacks in Two Days

In two days, they claimed five victims. Three young minors were arrested by the police of Rueil-Malmaison after a series of spectacular snatching that occurred between August 8 and 10 in the streets of the imperial city.

It was on the handlebars of two scooters that the trio crisscrossed the streets of Rueil in search of potential victims. Victims particularly abused by the three minors as evidenced by the total incapacity for work (ITT) issued after the attacks. “The modus operandi was particularly violent. They passed near their target and the passenger of one of the scooters snatched the victim’s handbag or gold necklace, said a police source. In this file, we have ITTs of 5 and 10 days and a third which goes up to 45 days. This is a person who resisted, clung to his bag and who was seriously injured in the shoulder. »

The three minors arrested a few hours apart

The first person stripped by the three minors was attacked on August 8, while she was walking on the banks of the Seine. Another suffered the same fate the next day, when she was on the sidewalks of Boulevard National, on the border of the neighboring town of Nanterre. Finally, the last three facts attributed to the small team took place on August 10.

During the last theft, which occurred in the early evening near the church square, one of the perpetrators was arrested in flagrante delicto by the police of Rueil-Malmaison. Identified upstream thanks to meticulous investigative work, his two alleged accomplices were arrested in turn in the hours that followed. Released at the end of their police custody, they are subsequently summoned to a hearing to appear on prior admission of guilt (CRPC).

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