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Violent Police Crackdown on Student Protesters: Officers Injure Four, Arrest 108, and Protesters Hospitalized

Protesters and Police Clash at Emerson College

Multiple injuries reported during intense altercations

Four police officers at Emerson College in Boston suffered injuries during clashes with protesters early Thursday morning. However, no injuries among the protesters have been reported, according to Boyle, a police representative. These conflicting reports have raised questions about the true extent of the violence.

Conflicting Reports on Protester Injuries

While Boyle claims that no protesters have reported injuries, a police officer’s radio transmission to the dispatcher suggests otherwise. According to the transmission, at least two protesters were taken to hospitals for treatment, casting doubt on the official statement.

Violent Arrests and Eyewitness Accounts

Witnesses on the scene observed the dramatic arrests as officers arrived at the Boylston Place alley overnight. Several arrested students were seen seated in the Massachusetts Transportation Building with their hands restrained behind their backs, as reported by the Berkeley Beacon, the student newspaper at Emerson College.

Eye-witnesses described the chaos that ensued during the arrests, with protesters being dragged, pulled, and pinned by officers. These arrests involved a total of 108 students, according to Boyle.

Adam Nuñez, a junior at Emerson, recounted being dragged and forcefully escorted into the transport building. He, along with other students, expressed their frustration with the incident, emphasizing that they believe in standing on the right side of history.

Dramatic Eyewitness Accounts

Ari, a freshman at Emerson, recounted the alarming moment police cars blocked off Boylston Street and dozens of officers in riot gear swarmed the area. She described the horror of witnessing arrests occur right beside her. Ari found herself being treated like a perpetrator, as a police officer put her hands behind her back before being placed in a police van.

Ari was among the numerous individuals held in police custody overnight, with reports suggesting that both students and faculty were detained. The situation escalated to such a degree that students in a nearby residence hall began banging on their windows out of concern.

Encampment Violation and Extent of the Protests

The encampment where the altercations occurred was in violation of city ordinances that prohibit unlawful camping, according to the Boston police and fire departments. The forced removal of students from the encampment took place on the fifth day of the protest. Prior to the police arrival, students had gathered in the area to voice their support for the Palestinian cause.

The protest at Emerson College appears to be part of a larger movement taking place across New England. Similar encampments and demonstrations have sprung up at MIT, Tufts University, Harvard, and Brown University in recent days.


These events at Emerson College have highlighted a significant clash between protesters and police, with conflicting reports emerging regarding the extent of injuries. Eyewitness accounts attest to the violent nature of the arrests, prompting questions about police conduct during the protests. The tensions at Emerson College echo a larger movement across New England where students are making their voices heard in support of the Palestinian cause.

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