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Violent Necklace Thefts in Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt: Two Thieves Arrested and Sentenced in Pontoise Court

Par Writing Pontoise
Published on August 21, 23 at 10:34 See my news Follow La Gazette du Val d’Oise The two men targeted elderly people to tear off their necklaces in the parking lot of the shopping center. (©Illustration 78News)

On August 1 and 2, 2023, many theft of necklaces with violence took place in the parking lot of the centre commercial Carrefour of Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt (Val d’Oise). These acts were committed on vulnerable elderly people.

Two thieves arrested

On Friday August 4, a crew from the Bac de Sarcelles was patrolling this sector when officials noticed two individuals making numerous trips to and from the parking lot without a specific destination.

The latter cast an eye in the parked vehicles and seemed to be interested in the elderly.

In a lookout position

While they had been under surveillance for an hour by the police, one of the men placed himself in the position of lookout while his accomplice approached an elderly woman before tearing off her necklace and fleeing.

The two thieves were arrested without difficulty by the police. The perpetrator of the theft tried to get rid of the necklace in full view of the police, but the jewel was found in a bush.

Placed in police custody, the two suspects were questioned by Sarcelles urban security investigators.

He denies the facts

When arrested, one of the individuals wore a gold necklace around his neck. This corresponded to one of the jewels stolen on August 1, at the same place, from an elderly lady.

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During the first hearings, the man who removed the necklace on August 4 admitted the facts, indicating that he wanted to resell it to buy clothes.

His accomplice denied the facts, even indicating that the necklace found on him during his search belonged to him.

Confused by the victim who recognized his attacker and his necklace stolen on August 1, the respondent ended up recognizing the facts. He explained his gesture by indicating that he needed money to live.

Jail closed

At the end of their police custody, the two men were referred to the Pontoise public prosecutor’s office on August 7 and tried in an immediate appearance in court.

The perpetrator of the theft was sentenced to 30 months in prison and his accomplice to 20 months. The found jewels were returned to their owners.

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