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Violent fall in Adelboden. “I was bleeding a lot”

Victor Muffat-Jeandet, hospitalized in Switzerland on Saturday after a violent fall during the giant slalom in Adelboden, “was successfully operated on for a broken nose”, the French Ski Federation (FFS) announced on Sunday morning.

The 33-year-old Savoyard “was waiting to be repatriated” to France “to do more tests” on his left knee, which “isn’t very good,” he himself explained on Instagram at the end of the week. confirming the information from SBB.

Author of a promising first heat on Saturday on Chuenisbärgli, with the 7th time despite bib number 21, Victor Muffat-Jeandet had crashed heavily at the beginning of the second, ending up in the nets after hitting the track with his head.

Transported by helicopter to the Bern hospital, the skier suffered, in addition to nose sores, cuts to his right hand “as well as a concussion”, the federation said on Saturday. “I was bleeding a lot and they were scared with shock,” she said on Instagram, backing up photos of him from her Bern hospital bed.

“I had my hand stitched up in the evening (Saturday, ed) and there don’t seem to be any problems with the tendons or nerves, the broken nose being open, they also operated on and replaced me directly in the middle of the night.”, he continued, specifying that ” the rest of the head and the back seem ok”.

Muffat-Jeandet returned to the slopes in the autumn after a 2022 season cut short by a fractured fibula in early January during the Zagreb slalom, which cost him the Beijing Olympics.

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