Home » today » Entertainment » Violent battle between a policewoman and a mountain lion ends with the animal escaping to the river … video

Violent battle between a policewoman and a mountain lion ends with the animal escaping to the river … video

Surveillance cameras documented alarming moments Mountain lion He attacks a female police officer and almost killed her, after the brave police officer pushed Al-Assad from a woman who attacked her in a housing complex in Colorado State of America, and the video showed the moments in which the Colorado female police officer was fighting the wild mountain lion with her bare hands before her fellow policemen intervened and shot him The fire lion escapes far away on the banks of a river adjacent to this area of ​​Colorado.

The British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported the details of the incident, namely, that a mountain lion attempted to pounce on a civilian and a deputy mayor on the road to the River Rim in Colorado State, and a policewoman quickly intervened when she watched the incident to start a fierce battle between her and the mountain lion and ended up throwing it on the ground and jumped over it strongly, which Pay the officers to shoot the animal.

The moment the lion escapes

In the clip, the deputy pushes the lion from her body and puts her arms to wipe her opponent away from her face, then another officer intervenes to finally kick the lion, causing him to flee, then the officers shoot the lion as he escapes towards the nearby river.

The battle of Al-Assad and the police chief
The battle of Al-Assad and the police chief

An eyewitness said: “The female policewoman is lucky to be alive, and he got out of his house when he heard the police siren and saw the lion and the deputy face to face, and I saw the officer raising her arm with confidence to prevent the lion from getting close to her neck.”

A battle between Assad and a police officer
A battle between Assad and a police officer

He said: “The lion was hit by officers’ bullets, but he rushed under another trailer and ran in the garden towards the river. The deputy and the civilian were taken by ambulance to a hospital in the area.”

While the director of the front desk at the public parks, Jennifer Hall, said that the mountain lion came four feet from the staff working alongside the river. She was in her golf cart heading from the cart to the office when she saw four or five officers pull their guns and shoot.

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