Home » today » World » Violence, Police | Serious incident of violence in Sarpsborg – two to hospital

Violence, Police | Serious incident of violence in Sarpsborg – two to hospital

Two men are being treated in hospital after a violent incident in Sarpsborg. According to the police, knives, planks and iron bars were used. Two men have been arrested.

The violent incident is said to have taken place outdoors on Sunday night.

– We were notified of the incident at 4.56. Whether from a witness or one of those involved, we are not quite sure yet, operations manager Tom Sandberg in the Eastern police district told NTB early Sunday morning.

Police have arrested two men in the case.

According to Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad are both the injured and those arrested in their 20s. The police do not want to go out with much information about the case until they have received a full overview.

– What we can say now is that everything indicates that there may have been many involved. Knives, planks and iron rods were used as tools of violence, says operations manager Gisle Sveen to the newspaper.

According to VG Police have cordoned off an area near the Sparta Amphitheater, where the violence is said to have taken place.


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