purple – is to the efforts ofauthority to fightshootings in the city ofnew york, violence noto cease.the police indicate that aperson was killed and threevalidated in two incidents fromseparated in chelsea inmanhattan, the first shootingthe steps of this happened agoart Gallery.according to the authorities, whenthe emergency servicelion here in the scene foundon the sidewalk to a mandeclared dead inHospital.is identified as the name ofQueen.in the shot at 32 bitesI followed a 37-year-old manreceived more hitsin the legs, they are reported inStable condition.the man was shot at dawnSunday.claims that the institutionthey are going through momentsessential in the fight againstcrime.>> we don’t have enoughpolice, 500 are needed,reporter: the authoritiesindicate that the shootings in thecities decreased by 33 percent, in October incomparison with the sameperiod of last year.