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Violence and arrests escalate in France: Updates on Nahel’s death and protests

By The Parisian

June 30, 2023 at 4:52 a.m., modified on July 1, 2023 at 3:14 a.m.

The essential

At least 917 people were arrested overnight from Thursday to Friday, despite 40,000 police officers mobilized. A total of 249 police officers and gendarmes were injured according to the Ministry of the Interior. The police officer implicated in Nahel’s death has been indicted for intentional homicide and imprisoned. Gérald Darmanin announced the deployment of 45,000 police and gendarmes this Friday evening, 5,000 more than overnight from Thursday to Friday. Arrests took place this Friday afternoon in Marseille, Strasbourg, Créteil (Val-de -Marne) and Rosny (Seine-Saint-Denis) following damage and looting in stores. The evening is also marked by numerous violence throughout France. At least 270 people were arrested, including 80 in Marseille. Several municipalities have announced the implementation of curfews. Several major events have been canceled this weekend.


This is the end of this live

We look forward to seeing you in a few hours on the Parisian website to follow the latest events related to the death of Nahel.


Individuals armed with molotov cocktails arrested in Nanterre


471 arrests in France, announces Gérald Darmanin

The Minister of the Interior evokes very difficult situations in several cities in France, such as Marseille, Lyon or Montpellier, but considers that the overflows are generally of a lesser magnitude than those observed the previous night. At this point, the Minister believes that the situation in the country does not imply the need to declare a state of emergency.


Gérald Darmanin is in Mantes-la-Jolie

The Minister of the Interior is currently with the police, from whom he is taking information on the situation.


“Very limited” urban violence in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques

In a press release, the prefecture reported seven arrests. In Pau, the authorities noted a few trash fires and fireworks. In Bayonne, the window of a post office was the target of projectiles.


The town hall of Persan was vandalized

New information reaches us about the town hall of Persan. It was reportedly attacked by “several dozen individuals” who vandalized the premises before setting them on fire. Impressive flames escape through the broken windows. The new premises of the municipal police were also reportedly ransacked.


Multiple dam fires in Colombes

The situation seems very tense in the city of Hauts-de-Seine, where multiple fires have been started.


Several interventions in the Somme

The prefecture notably informs that the police are still in action in Amiens, in the Etouvie district.


An Aldi store looted in Marseille

The prefecture confirmed to our colleagues from BFMTV that the building was gutted using a ram car, before being looted and set on fire.


Kalashnikov fire reported in Lyon

The available images show a gunman aiming at a surveillance camera. The situation remains delicate in several areas of the city.


The situation is tense in several Ile-de-France cities

The editions of Parisian are mobilized this night to collect the latest information on the ground. In the Val d’Oise, mortar fire and burning cars were reported in Argenteuil. In Persan, residents say the town hall was attacked and set on fire.


A store looted in Bondy

Many videos posted on social networks show young people attacking and robbing a Conforama brand in Bondy. The intervention of the Raid did not prevent some rioters from fleeing with a flat screen under their arm.


Police officers ambushed in Champigny

Our journalist evokes a “classic” scenario on the spot, in the Mordacs district.


Restrictions announced in Guyana

After urban violence, the prefect of Guyana announcement the limitation of public transport after 8 p.m., the ban on the transport of combustible products and fireworks, as well as the carrying of weapons by destination, over the duration of the weekend.


“Hostile groups” reported in Niort

“People have gathered in hostile groups in the Clou-Bouchet district of Niort by attacking the police on the spot with mortar fire and stone throwing”, tweeted the prefecture of Deux- Sèvres, which calls for avoiding the sector.


270 arrests in France

At 12:30 a.m., the police carried out 270 arrests, including more than 80 in Marseille, reports Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on Twitter.


The mayor of Marseille requests the “immediate” dispatch of reinforcements

“In Marseille, the scenes of looting and violence are unacceptable. I condemn with total firmness these acts of vandalism and call on the State to immediately send additional law enforcement forces, ”tweeted the left-wing mayor Benoît Payan.

A CRS company is due to arrive overnight, a police source told AFP. The Ministry of the Interior had announced the arrival of a RAID special forces surveillance plane a little earlier.


Hacked public platforms

To protest against the death of “an Algerian child, Nahel”, an anonymous group of Sudanese hackers called “Anonymous Sudan” claims on Telegram to carry out denial of service attacks (DDos) on French institutions. They attacked the sites of AP-HP and the hospitals of Lyon and Marseille this afternoon. They saturated the site Impots.gouv.fr around 9 p.m.


87 arrests in Marseille

The number of arrests climbed to 87 in Marseille, where numerous clashes have been observed since the start of the evening.


New incidents break out in Nanterre

Fireworks mortars are fired at Nanterre, the police, they launch tear gas, testifies an independent journalist. A BRI tank was deployed.


An armory looted in Marseilles

Four hunting rifles were stolen from an armory during the riots in Marseille, reports France Blue Provence. The store manager describes having seen “30 determined kids” and assures that his stock “is no longer secure”. Police forces protect the store.


Violence in Agen

An “event” is underway in the districts of Montanou and Rodrigues, in the north and east of Agen, reports the prefecture of Lot-et-Garonne, which calls for avoiding the sector.


Quiet location in Ile-de-France

For the moment, the situation remains calm in several departments of Ile-de-France, according to the prefectures of Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, Seine-et-Marne, Val Oise, or even Hauts-de-Seine. In 77, the prefecture noted four arrests for attempted looting. In the 95, “sporadic incidents have nevertheless already given rise to 10 arrests”, specify the authorities. Some mortar fire and trash fires were reported in Crépy en Valois, and Pont Sainte Maxence, in the Oise.


The Raid and the BRI deployed in the city center of Lyon

“The RAID is engaged with the BRI in downtown Lyon to put an end to attacks on businesses,” tweeted the Rhône prefecture.


Raid forces also mobilized in Lille

This police intervention unit was deployed in Lille, in front of the city’s main police station, where fires were lit in the early evening.

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