Home » today » News » Violence against children, injuries and the distribution of cartridges are just some of the reports that have hailed the police in several places in the country.

Violence against children, injuries and the distribution of cartridges are just some of the reports that have hailed the police in several places in the country.

It has been a busy night for the police in several places in the country.

The police in Bergen have received several reports of violence, damage and throwing a bicycle.

– It is not good that there are so many conflicts. There have been a little too many tricks and a little too little crunch, says Knut Dahl-Michelsen, operations manager in the West police district.

It is not only the police in Bergen who have experienced major problems associated with the annual Halloween celebration.

The Oslo police have also responded to several reports of ovulation and young people throwing stones at passers-by.

Wanted to scare the kids

It all started with a “crunch or trick round” in the Fana district, where one of the boys aged 13-14 had supplied himself a little roughly with the candy.

– He was supposed to get two things, but had taken three. The man says that the boy had been down in the bowl with his whole hand and therefore he decided to scare the children a little, says the operations manager to Dagbladet.

This led to a major conflict between the parties, where one of the young people was allegedly put on the ground and another was beaten.

The man is said to have grabbed the hair of one of the boys, shook him and laid him on the ground, according to the operations manager.

– He acknowledges that it may have gone a little too far, but the parties agreed to put the case to death. The parents should not pursue the case, says Dahl-Michelsen.

– Could have been serious

Police say they have received several serious reports during the evening.

At 19.52, the police moved out to Fyllingsdalen after a report of a bicycle that was allegedly thrown from a bridge.

– It could have been very serious if someone had been hit. It was from a height of 10 meters, so it got good speed that bike, says the operations manager.

Police say it should have been approx. 10 young people present and that they think the same gang moved on into the evening.

At 20.20, there was a report of a youth gang that did damage to the Oasen shopping center.

– Eggs have been thrown and someone has set off fireworks, the police write on Twitter.

Operations Manager Knut Dahl-Michelsen says the youth gang had increased to up to 20 and that the young people varied in age between 14-17 years.

At Åsane center, the police have also received reports of ovulation.

– Eggs have both been thrown there, and one has also been hit in the face with an egg. The person in question has received eggs all over his face and hair, says operations manager Knut Dahl-Michelsen in the West police district to BA

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Man gave out cartridges to children

A man is said to have issued 22 cartridges and empty cases to several children in Tromsø.

The police were notified of the incident at 18.20.

– We received a phone call from parents of some children who had been out on Halloween, says Per Arve Aas, operations manager in Troms police district to Dagbladet at 19.45

– We are searching his home now, he adds.

The cause of the incident is not known, but Aas says the man in his 30s is an acquaintance of the police.

– People often think of weapons, but it is not such knowledge. We do not see him as a danger or threat to the neighborhood, says the operations manager.

Used mask

The police moved out to Jordal in Oslo at 20.00 after a report of a gang of young people who had thrown stones at passers-by.

– It is about a group of young people of 15-20, but there are even more in the area, so it is difficult to pinpoint those we can link to the incident, says Tor Grøttum, operations manager in the Oslo police to Dagbladet at 20.21.

Several of the young people have run from the place. Grøttem states that one of them is said to have been wearing a so-called Guy Fawkes mask. The Guy Fawkes mask was popularized through the comic book novel “V for Vendetta” by Alan Moore, as well as the film of the same name from 2005.

A woman is said to have received a bullet in the head after being hit by one of the stones.

– There is no question of serious injury. She is a little shaken, as you are when you are thrown stones at, says the operations manager.

The Oslo police report that they also experience a lot of noise in the Haugerud area.

– There are many young people gathered and injuries are inflicted on and at Haugerud center. We experience the young people as aggressive and they are capable of throwing eggs and other objects at the police.

Thrown eggs after police car

The police have moved out to Bøler in Oslo after reports of young people throwing eggs at cars.

– It is about 20-30 young people who have thrown eggs at cars that have driven past or under the bridge at the metro station, says Tor Grøttum in the Oslo police to Dagbladet at 20.50.

The police have received descriptions of the suspects and estimate that the young people are between 14 and 18 years old.

– There are a lot of young people out tonight, which makes it a bit difficult, says Grøttum.

The operations manager says that so far no damage has been done to the cars.

– No damage to the cars has been reported, but eggs on the windscreen can lead to dangerous traffic conditions. One of the cars was about to collide, says Grøttum.

Shortly afterwards, eggs were also thrown at a police car in Haugerud.

– We have control over the person and take a serious talk, the police write on Twitter at 21.03.

Message about fight

Sørøst police district writes on Twitter that they have been notified of a fight on Holmestrand.

– Three young people aged 15-16 have been beaten. All from Vestfold. We have arrested a man in his 40s for the violence. The actual course of events must be investigated further. Parents must be notified. A case is being opened for the violence, the police write.

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