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Vindicat students celebrate in party bus, municipality starts investigation

The Kooistra Reizen coach was rented by students to party. A coach is allowed to drive with full occupancy, so that dozens of students could attend the party. Occupants must then remain in their seats.

Leaked videos and voice messages

Vindicat announces that the party was not organized by the association. Earlier, chairman Wessel Giezen denied that members of his association were involved, but now he has to come back to that.

On Thursday, not only did videos of the party leak out, but also a voice message from a member calling on others to remove videos from the party for fear of media publications. “Tonight we have a meeting with the maker of the voice message”, says Vindicat chairman Giezen. “It is bizarre that members are having such a party. We must first identify who is involved. There are penalties on this.”

Mouth mask was mandatory

The bus company involved is in the stomach with the issue. “We request a health certificate, and a mouth mask is mandatory with us,” says the owner of Kooistra Reizen. The fact that the students did not wear a mouth mask is partly due to the enforcer, according to the company. “He should have supervised this”.

The bus company is in talks with the responsible, but is not relinquishing the use of these buses for corona parties. “We are also having a hard time and we have to earn something.”


Mayor Koen Schuiling of the municipality of Groningen condemns the party. “A very and stupid action by both the young people on the bus and the entrepreneur who organizes such trips. Especially if that were to happen on a larger scale. We are investigating exactly what happened, for example who organized this.”

Last week, Vindicat was also discredited. According to it Dagblad van het Noorden members had violated corona measures during parties.

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