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Vince Carter would play with the Atlanta Hawks if there was an alternative bubble in Chicago

Calm. It is not that Vince Carter, who announced his retirement at the end of the 2019-20 season, has picked up cable and will continue to be active longer – I hope. But the possibility that the veteran (and historical) player has not played his last game could still be latent.

Carter alleged that in the event that the idea that the eight teams not invited to Orlando would dispute their own seeding games, He would respond affirmatively without hesitation. In other words, if the idea that the eight worst ensembles of the course also had their own bubble, in Chicago, Vince Carter would be there to represent the Atlanta Hawks.

“It would be there. If it happens. I would go there, work with the boys. I dont know. I don’t know, it’s a question mark. But surely he would go, be with the team and be part of it. I would have to take advantage of it while I could. Because when it’s over, it’s over, “Carter could recently argue on the podcast Winging it.

Incidentally, Carter does not think that such a return will occur since he sees it difficult for the alternative bubble to come to fruition.

“From what I hear, there are some guys from the eight teams that don’t want to play; but I’m like ‘you know what?’ You would have had to play in the Summer League anyway, ”Carter could add.

Chicago’s alternative bubble

Recall that the NBA is incubating the idea that the eight worst teams, those not in Orlando for the resolution of the campaign, may also have their own particular competition resort; in this case in Chicago. This idea, advanced by ESPN weeks ago I would aim to make a training camp and several friendly matches so that the participating teams were not so long – March to December – without competing.

The idea was intended to be carried out from September. The format would be like that of a Summer League and Atlanta Hawks, Chicago Bulls, Charlotte Hornets, Cleveland Cavaliers, Golden State Warriors, Detroit Pistons and New York Knicks, Minnesota Timberwolves would have an invitation.

One of the conditions for this alternative project to be carried out is that the participating franchises brought their main players to the concentration. And not logically it is feasible; the Warriors, for example, have already warned that they would not come with heavy artillery.

Apparently one of the discordant points would be that some franchises would like to focus but not in bubble format. I mean, they would want a kind of training camp not to see so much time stopped; but they would not want to be confined in a bubble like Orlando’s; they prefer to do whatever it takes in their own facilities.

In any case, the resolution that the NBA determines in this alternative path against the virus remains to be seen.

(Cover photo: Jason Miller / Getty Images)

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