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Villeurbanne. The VHA is back in the second division of handball

Tony Breysse and Semir Zuzo (photo) can have a smile: Villeurbanne Handball (VHA) will return to the second handball division at the start of the school year.

Entering a zone of turbulence in 2011 on its descent in Nationale 1, Villeurbanne Handball (VHA) will leave the third division this summer to return to the ProLigue, an elite antechamber, next season. It was the club itself which announced it this Monday in the early evening.

Beneficiary of wild card of the National Handball League (LNH) since early 2019, it was however subject to a considerable increase in its budget, an essential prerequisite in order not to be included in the second division. After having caressed the Olivier Ginon hypothesis, it was finally Didier Caudard-Breille and the former coach of the Blues Didier Dinart who had approached the club in the fall of 2020.

“To become again a stronghold of French handball”

« This formalization comes to concretize a work and a commitment of several years, as well on the sporting level as on the administrative and economic level., writes the VHA. Villeurbanne Handball warmly thanks all the people who worked internally to make this project a success. The club also wishes to sincerely thank all of its partners, institutional and private, for their loyal support and confidence: thanks to their investment, the VHA can finally materialize its plan to return to the top level and start writing a new page. of its sporting history. »

« The territory of the metropolis of Lyon can thus once again become a stronghold of French handball., adds the club. It can once again offer prospects to the young players it trains and allow the 9,000 licensees of the Rhône, as well as handball fans to attend high-level matches nearby. So meet at the Skyscraper room at the start of the school year.

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