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Villeurbanne: “I was an assessor and I noticed many problems in the organization of the regional”

As for the day before the first round of the regional elections, we publish the testimony of a voter and assessor of Villeurbanne, Jean-Yves Corbel, who noted “problems” in the organization of this second round, mainly at the level, again , professions of faith, despite the measures announced urgently by the Ministry of the Interior.

Sunday, for the second round of regional I was for the first time assessor in an office in Tonkin (Villeurbanne). Besides the high abstention (67.07%), many problems bother me in the organization of this election.

You should know that I received neither the professions of faith of the first round, nor those of the second round.
Note that I did not change my address because my polling station is next to my house, and it did not seem to me that this affected the reception of the election material.

Being the only volunteer on my desk, I was present continuously from 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. (around a 45-minute lunch break).

The president did not raise anything transcendent as a problem, but I still found some very clear messages among the voters. I deliver them to you.

Many testimonies have reached us concerning problems of distribution of professions of faith for this Sunday, June 27. Particularity of this second round, in Villeurbanne as in Lyon, the professions of faith of the ecologist / union of the left list led by Fabienne Grébert seem to have been forgotten. In other words, some voters received their electoral propaganda envelope, but with two out of three professions of faith.


  • Voters did not receive professions of faith in the 1st and / or 2nd round. Funny anecdote: a voter came to tell us at the polling station that he would not vote because he did not receive the professions of faith. And he left without voting.
  • Many voters have pointed out to us that the profession of faith of the ecological list was not present in the mail sent with the professions of faith which contained that of the Wauquiez and Kotarac list.
  • Many voters told us that the envelopes were open.
  • Many votes for the environmentalist list were declared void because the envelope contained the profession of faith instead of the list (3 or 4 votes). 1 other case only (LR).
  • A friend told me to have received the material only this Monday morning: the envelope to vote and the list (= bulletin) of the environmentalist list were missing. A person at the polling station told me that his material arrived Sunday morning (too late).

“In Villeurbanne, many forgot to vote for the regional because they did not receive the material”

I am not a conspirator, but I cannot help but think that many forgot to vote because they did not receive the material. Like me, many people favor Netflix for advertising on TF1 and have therefore not seen the advertising spots reminiscent of the poll.
Many abstained thinking that the choice was white cap / white cap (LR / RN are closer than right / left).
Many no longer know how to vote (definition of a valid or blank ballot) or do not know the difference between abstaining, voting blank and voting no. Thinking to vote Green with the profession of faith, these people just created a null vote.

I am a great defender of the blank vote, but seeing people tired of going to vote, when you see that, I can only understand.

Campaign posters from the list of environmentalists and the left of Fabienne Grébert, Laurent Wauquiez (LR) and Andréa Kotarac (RN) for the second round of regional in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes on electoral panels in Lyon 7th . Photo BE / Rue89Lyon

“data-medium-file =” https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/affiches-campagne-regionales-2021-second-tour-auvergne-rhone-alpes-180×135.jpg ” data-large-file = “https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/affiches-campagne-regionales-2021-second-tour-auvergne-rhone-alpes-630×473.jpg” loading = “lazy” width = “630” height = “473” alt = “regional Villeurbanne professions of faith” class = “wp-image-164293” srcset = “https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads /2021/06/affiches-campagne-regionales-2021-second-tour-auvergne-rhone-alpes-630×473.jpg 630w, https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/affiches- campaign-regionales-2021-second-tour-auvergne-rhone-alpes-180×135.jpg 180w, https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/affiches-campagne-regionales-2021-second -tour-auvergne-rhone-alpes-768×576.jpg 768w, https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/affiches-campagne-regionales-2021-second-tour-auvergne-rhone- alpes-1536×1152.jpg 1536w, https://www.rue89lyon.fr/w p-content / uploads / 2021/06 / posters-campagne-regionales-2021-second-tour-auvergne-rhone-alpes-2048×1536.jpg 2048w, https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021 /06/affiches-campagne-regionales-2021-second-tour-auvergne-rhone-alpes-90×69.jpg 90w “sizes =” (max-width: 630px) 100vw, 630px “/>

Campaign posters from the list of environmentalists and the left of Fabienne Grébert, Laurent Wauquiez (LR) and Andréa Kotarac (RN) for the second round of regional in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes on electoral panels in Lyon 7th . Photo BE / Rue89Lyon

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