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Villers-Bocage. The Golden Wheat club is idling

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In this context of health crisis, the resumption of activities for the Blés d’Or club is proving “Complicated”. This word comes back in the mouth of the president, Julienne Houivet.

Finances and activities within the club are at half mast. Constraints and uncertainties weigh on the functioning of the club. For the president, “The Blés d’Or club has 66 members. A recovery, in the midst of a health crisis, is necessarily delicate. There are no more activities. Members previously met every two weeks, Tuesday and Thursday, at the Richard-Lenoir room for a snack and during an annual meal. “

With the health protocol in place, it is really a blow for this very active club. ” I wish that we can get together quickly enough to resume our normal activities, Julienne Houivet continues. This does not prevent us from meeting at each other to, for example, play a game of cards, while respecting the sanitary rules and to try to break the solitude, because very often they are lonely people. “

In terms of finances, the president specifies that “Since we have not practiced any activity in 2020, there is no question of making members pay the 2021 contribution”. For Christmas, the president offered a box of chocolates to each member.

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