Home » Entertainment » Villefranche-de-Rouergue. The “Vents d’Images” exhibition to be discovered from Wednesday

Villefranche-de-Rouergue. The “Vents d’Images” exhibition to be discovered from Wednesday

Paroles Vives is organizing its annual autumn exhibition “Vent d’Images”, from November 27 to December 8 inclusive, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

With the good weather of All Saints’ Day, the artists of Paroles Vives had plenty of time, cloistered in their workshop, to polish their works, to dry a repentance with a hair dryer, to quickly sketch a final watercolor, to develop and print a photo file to close a series. But there!

These days, how can we think that the end of November and its exhibition of Paroles Vives artists is approaching when we don’t even have the impression that November has arrived! Poor Emile Verhaeren, where is “the wild wind of November […] which tears and dismembers”? But certain mornings, sometimes during the day, the grayness takes time to tear, attesting to the presence of an autumn anticyclone. This is the sign! It is indeed November, with its famous and ritual “Vent d’Images”, the exhibition of Paroles Vives artists.

So, at the Salle Voûtée, Place Bernard Lhez, they will be there, like the Magi offering you your future gifts for your loved ones. Under the beautiful stone vault, there will be on the picture rails the works of Sylvain Camatta, Christine de Boissieu, Véronique Godefroy, Françoise Pourcel, Didier Quenzéo, Bruno Rigal, all painters, graphic designers or modelers and Jean Baro, Loup Cousin, Françoise Moly , Michel Rey, photographic artists.

All the artists of Paroles Vives invite you to come and meet them during the opening, open to all, of the exhibition on Friday November 29 at 6 p.m. Of course for 10 days, even if the door is drawn to protect against the “wild wind of November”, entry to the exhibition is free and free.

Information: 05 65 45 37 66 / [email protected]

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