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Villas-Boas’ secret list for the transfer window

While many rumors seem to be confirmed about the potential sale of the club, Olympique de Marseille is somehow preparing for the summer transfer window.

If he could benefit from a large additional envelope in the event of the arrival of a new investor this summer, André Villas-Boas is content for the moment to make initial contacts all over Europe to strengthen his team. Thanks to the Champions League, the Portuguese technician hopes to attract several high-potential players without overwhelming the club’s accounts. As the daily explains The team this Saturday, Villas-Boas therefore established a sort of “secret list“for its leaders. Among the priorities, we would find the French Mickaël Cuisance whose playing time is very limited at Bayern Munich but who displays a promising profile. The other player who caught the eye of the Olympian coach is named Pape Gueye: Le Havre midfielder has just finished a big season in Ligue 2 but several European clubs are already on the move. –

Article read 3074 times – Written on June 27, 2020 at 10h33 by Romain Boselli


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