Home » Entertainment » Viktor Verhulst reveals candidly: ‘I started a few years ago and haven’t stopped’

Viktor Verhulst reveals candidly: ‘I started a few years ago and haven’t stopped’

Viktor Verhulst candidly reveals:

Friday, November 22, 2024 – 4:00 p.m Editing

In the Vik & Gert podcast, Viktor Verhulst, Antwerp’s loyal supporter, made a surprising confession about his sleeping habits. The media personality revealed that he always sleeps naked, vowing never to go back to pajamas or any other sleepwear.

“I don’t wear anything to bed. I’m naked, always,” said Viktor openly in the podcast. “That’s wonderful, then you’re free. I started it a few years ago and haven’t been able to do it any other way since.” According to Verhulst, this practice provides a feeling of freedom and comfort that cannot be compared to anything else.

Cool without a problem

Even on cold nights, Viktor does not give up his practice. “If it’s cold? Then I just turn on the heating,” he said. “I can’t bear to wear anything in my sleep anymore.” About his girlfriend Sarah, with whom he has been together for a long time, he also gave an insight into their general sleeping habits: “Does Sarah also sleep naked? With her it depends. She changes it to according to the perceived temperature.”

Besides moving?

Viktor Verhulst he is not the only one who sees sleeping naked as a comfortable option. Studies show that it can be beneficial for a good night’s sleep by better regulating body temperature and promoting blood circulation.


“Ik draag niks in bed. Poedelnaakt, altijd”, vertelde Viktor openhartig in de podcast. “Dat is zalig, dan voel je je vrij. Ik ben er een paar jaar geleden mee begonnen en sindsdien kan ik het niet meer anders doen.” Volgens Verhulst zorgt deze gewoonte voor een gevoel van vrijheid en comfort dat hij met niets anders kan vergelijken.

Kou geen probleem

Zelfs tijdens koude nachten laat Viktor zijn gewoonte niet varen. “Als het koud is? Dan zet ik gewoon de verwarming aan”, gaf hij aan. “Ik kan het niet meer verdragen om iets te dragen tijdens het slapen.” Over zijn vriendin Sarah, met wie hij al geruime tijd samen is, gaf hij ook een kijkje in hun gezamenlijke slaapgewoonten: “Of Sarah ook naakt slaapt? Bij haar hangt het ervan af. Ze stemt het af op de gevoelstemperatuur.”

Meer dan een trend?

Viktor Verhulst is niet de enige die naakt slapen als een comfortabele optie ziet. Studies tonen aan dat het bevorderlijk kan zijn voor een goede nachtrust, doordat het de lichaamstemperatuur beter reguleert en de bloedcirculatie bevordert.


2024-11-22 15:00:00

#Viktor #Verhulst #reveals #candidly #started #years #havent #stopped

* ⁤Considering the potential benefits and drawbacks mentioned, would you be open to trying sleeping naked, even if it’s outside of your comfort zone?

## Open-Ended Questions ⁢for Discussion:

**Sleeping Habits & Preferences:**

* ‍Viktor states ⁣sleeping naked provides ⁤a feeling​ of freedom and​ comfort. What⁢ are your thoughts on this? Do you believe there are benefits to sleeping naked?

* Viktor mentions⁢ regulating temperature ‌with heating.⁢ How important is ‌temperature control for your ‌sleep quality? ⁤Do​ you⁢ have any specific preferences or rituals related to ⁤sleep temperature?

* Viktor’s‍ girlfriend, Sarah, adapts her sleepwear to the temperature.⁢ How do ​you and ⁤your partner (or roommate) navigate differing sleep preferences?

* Beyond ⁤comfort, are ‍there any other ⁢potential benefits or drawbacks ‍to sleeping naked that you can‍ think of?

**Public Confession & Personal​ Boundaries:**

* Viktor openly shared this personal detail on a podcast. How comfortable are⁤ you with celebrities discussing ⁤intimate⁢ aspects of their lives ‍publicly? Where do​ you draw the ‌line between sharing and oversharing?

* Do you ‌think Viktor’s confession could inspire others to be more open about their ⁢sleep habits? Why ⁣or why not?

**Health ⁣& Wellbeing:**

*⁣ The article‍ mentions ⁢studies linking naked sleeping ​with better sleep quality. How‌ much do⁣ you‍ trust studies on this topic? Would you consider changing your sleep habits based on scientific research?

* Beyond sleep, are ⁤there other aspects of Viktor’s‍ lifestyle that you find interesting or worth discussing?

**Thematic‌ Sections:**

1. **Sleeping⁤ Naked: Comfort and Freedom:** This section focuses on Viktor’s​ personal experience and preference for sleeping naked, exploring the reasons behind ​his choice and the feelings it evokes.

2. **Navigating Different Sleep Preferences:** This section delves into the challenges and solutions couples or roommates ⁢face​ when having diverse sleep habits and preferences.

3. **Publicity⁣ and Privacy:** This section examines Viktor’s decision to share ​this intimate ​detail publicly, ‍prompting a discussion on the boundaries between personal⁢ life and public image.

4. ⁣**Science and Lifestyle​ Choices:** This‌ section explores the scientific research on sleep habits and the influence of such findings ​on personal choices.

**Open-Ended Questions:**

* How common do you think nude ⁣sleeping is?

* What societal norms ⁢or cultural⁢ influences might shape people’s attitudes towards sleeping naked?

* How does this topic relate to broader ‌discussions about body positivity and self-acceptance?

This outline provides a ⁢framework for engaging discussion and exploring the multifaceted implications of Viktor Verhulst’s candid confession.

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