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Viktor Orban reacts to scarf scandal with Greater Hungary: We don’t see what’s not there

Accused of revisionism after appearing with a Greater Hungary map scarf, Viktor Orban fights back.

Victor OrbánPhoto: Britta Pedersen / DPA / Profimedia Pictures

Football is not politics. We don’t see what isn’t there,” the Hungarian prime minister wrote on Facebook.

The retirement of footballer Balázs Dzudsák from the national team was an opportunity for Viktor Orban for a new provocative gesture. The FIDESZ leader appeared with a scarf in red, white, green colors and with the map of Greater Hungary on it, which also includes Transylvania.

The images were posted on Facebook by the Hungarian Prime Minister himself.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says it has sent it to the Hungarian ambassador in Bucharest “firm disapproval” of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s gesture.

“Any revisionist manifestation, no matter what form it takes, is unacceptable, contrary to the current realities and the joint commitments of Romania and Hungary to build a bilateral relationship within the definitive parameters of the basic instrument governing the bilateral relationship, i.e. say the Treaty on Understanding, Cooperation and Good Neighborhood between Romania and the Republic of Hungary, signed in Timișoara, on September 16, 1996 and respectively of the Strategic Partnership, from which, this year, two decades have been completed” , the Romanian Ministry of the Exterior.

Ukraine will summon the Hungarian ambassador to protest that Prime Minister Viktor Orban went to a football match wearing a scarf depicting part of Ukraine’s territory as part of Hungary, Ukraine’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday.

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