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Vikings footballer at the top of Europe: “Just the beginning”

Not arrived yet

After the victory in the semifinals in Vienna over the Barcelona Dragons, the president of Vikings Karl Wurm – questioned about the disaster surrounding the ban on playing at the Generali Arena – said that in this country and especially in Vienna it had not yet arrived that American football as Sport in stadiums in Austria attracts the largest number of spectators after football and ice hockey. And this is where Calaycay continued on Sunday: “Austria probably haven’t realized this yet: now we have a ball sport where we can say we are the best in Europe. It’s something special.”

Around 14,500 spectators watched the Vikings’ triumph in Klagenfurt live in the stadium and the match itself was broadcast in 13 countries. The opponent also paid homage to the Viennese, in a Hanseatic key. “It’s never fun to lose. But football is a flow and alternation for 60 minutes. Vienna did a better job than we did today,” said former NFL and Hamburger “Boy” player Kasim Edebali.

The best as a coach

For Calaycay, who has been in charge of sport at Vikings for many years, this European championship is the pinnacle as a manager, at least for the moment. “This is the best for me, but I’m not done with my career yet.”

The 46-year-old has already won numerous titles with the “Football Violets”, both nationally and internationally. “I just saw the Austrian Bowl 2017 (Vikings 45-26 won against Raiders Tirol, ed), the last time we played in Klagenfurt. I did it to refresh my memories, the look of the stadium. Then I see the match footage and I see Bernhard Seikovits out there and I see Bernhard Raimann take a touchdown. They were 17 at the time. ” Today both Bernhards play in the NFL.

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