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VII Solar Forum: ‘Photovoltaics as an engine of economic recovery’ will be held online from October 21 to 23

Provisional agenda of the VII Solar Forum

October 21



Teresa Ribera, Vice President for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Government of Spain

Rafael Benjumea, President, Spanish Photovoltaic Union


Keynote Speaker: Possibilities of financing photovoltaic projects with community funds


Have the new scenarios after COVID-19 changed the strategies of companies? How have they dealt with it?

  • What is your company’s strategy to make your facilities profitable?

  • What is your business model to make investments profitable?

  • How do you foresee the photovoltaic market in 5 years?

Moderator: Santiago Carcar, La Información

Julio Castro, Managing Director, Iberdrola Renovables Energía

Javier Asensio, CEO, Vector Renewables

Rafael González, General Director of Generation, Endesa

Carlos Relancio, Director of Renewable Energies, Galp

David Ruiz de Andrés, CEO, Grenergy

Iván Higueras, Corporate Director, GRS


Regulation opens up new opportunities: collective self-consumption, photovoltaic communities and demand aggregators

  • Is it time to invest in new business models of collective self-consumption, photovoltaic communities and demand aggregators?

  • Are there barriers to eliminate?

  • Is there an international benchmark that Spain should follow?

Moderator: Lorena Farrás, La Vanguardia

Carlota Pi, CEO, Holaluz

Carlos Martínez, Commercial Director Iberia, Russia-CIS and Emerging Markets, Goodwe

Gabriel Nebreda, Director General, EDP Solar

Alicia Carrasco, Executive Director, ENTRA

David San Miguel, Global Director, Amara-e Solar Distribution

12:00-12:20        BREAK


Climate change laws at the level of Autonomous Communities

  • Are climate change laws at the regional level an instrument to promote the energy transition or are they introducing new barriers?

  • Are you satisfied with the work so far? What is your goal of installing power by 2030? How many projects do you plan to have approved in the next 3 years?

  • Are changes in national regulation necessary for an efficient process of ecological transition?

Moderator: Laura Ojea, El Español

Olga García García, Councilor for Ecological Transition and Sustainability, Extremadura

Carlos Javier Fernández Carriedo, Minister of Economy and Finance, Castilla y León (pc)

José Luis Escudero, Councilor for Sustainable Development, Castilla La Mancha (pc)

Mireia Mollá Herrera, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition, Valencia (pc)


Are auctions the appropriate response to uncertainties in the electricity market? How will PPAs evolve after COVID-19?

  • How are PPAs going to evolve in the new energy scenario?

  • Can the results of the Portuguese auctions be extrapolated to the Spanish market?

Moderator: Juan Cruz, El Confidencial

Javier Revuelta, Senior Principal, Afry

Antonio Delgado, CEO, Aleasoft

Pablo Otín, CEO, Powertis

Carlos Moro, Commercial Director, Vector Renewables

Dario Castagnoli, Corporate Director Energy Management & Trading, Nexus Energía

October 22

09:00-09:15 Keynote speaker: Regulatory challenges in the energy transition


Can the photovoltaic industrial sector be an engine in the recovery of the Spanish economy?

  • How do you think the Spanish industrial sector can take advantage of the economic recovery funds?

  • Is it realistic to think that Spain can become an energy hub worldwide?

  • What factors limit the growth of the photovoltaic industry?

Moderator: Antonio Muñoz, El Diario

Raúl Morales, CEO, Soltec

Javier Landero, CEO, Green Power

Iñigo Segura, CEO, Criminal


Is it already possible to go to market with storage projects? Are hybridization and over-installation viable investment alternatives? What regulation do you think would be necessary in Spain to promote storage?

Moderator: Pepa Mosquera, Renewable Energies

Ignacio Cobo, Senior Consultant, Afry

Enrique Garralaga Rojas, Managing Director, SMA Sunbelt Energy GmbH

Juan Francisco González, Product and Project Manager, Riello Solartech

Luis Marquina, Director of International Relations, E22


Does photovoltaics really affect land uses in Spain?

  • What do we have to do to ensure that photovoltaic plants are integral reserves of nature?

  • Is photovoltaics a complement to agricultural goals or a competitor?

Moderator: Manuel Planelles, El País

Pedro Barato, President, ASAJA (pc)

Helena Fernández Castro, Responsible for the environment, Isemaren

Ana Carricondo, Coordinator of Conservation Programs, SEO Birdlife (pc)

12:15-12:30        BREAK


The new regulation of access and connection

  • Will the new access and connection regulation streamline the connection point request process?

  • How would you avoid the window opening effect?

  • When the new procedure begins at the connection points that demand more than power, how should projects be assigned?

Moderator: Concha Raso, Energy Magazine

Julia García Santos, Lawyer, Montero Aramburu

David Diez, Socio, Watson Farley & Williams Spain

Alex Romeu Alfonso, Chief Operating Officer, Diverxia Infrastructure

Arancha Martínez, Head of Corporates PD and new markets, X-ELIO


Digitization, operation and maintenance

  • What will 5G mean in the digitization of the sector?

  • Will the economic recovery plan accelerate the digitization of the sector?

  • Is the pressure for low production costs putting the proper operation and maintenance of the plants at risk?

Nicolás Velasco, O&M Sales Manager, Voltalia

Álvaro Zanón, Senior Solutions Manager, Huawei FusionSolar

Andrea Barber, Co- Founder y CEO, RatedPower

Juan Fernandez, Head of Asset Management Europa, Sonnedix

Bruno Azula, Territory Account Manager, Axis Communications

October 23

09: 00-09: 15 Keynote speaker: Photovoltaics and hydrogen


Is the self-consumption sector recovering from the impact of COVID-19? Do you need to introduce changes in self-consumption regulation?

  • Is it necessary to introduce changes in the regulation of self-consumption?

  • What variations do you expect at the end of 2020 in the self-consumption sector in Spain over 2019?

  • Do you think that collective self-consumption will be a reality in Spain?

  • Is surplus conservation working properly or are further reforms needed?

  • Given the abundant supply of companies, how can consumers orient themselves to make an appropriate decision?

Moderator: Santiago Carcar, La Información

Carlos Montoya, Head of Solar Department, IDAE

José Benjumea, CEO, Powen

Manuel de Castro, CEO, Opengy

Andrea Miori, Managing Director, Elecsol


Technological challenges of the Spanish PV organized by FOTOPLAT, the Spanish Photovoltaic Technology Platform

Moderator: Pilar Sánchez Molina, PV Magazine

“Evolution in commercial solar cell technology

Carlos del Cañizo, Director, Solar Energy Institute

«Trends in modules»

Aitor Apraiz, R&D Engineer, Mondragon Assembly

“State of photovoltaic technology and hydrogen as a new energy vector”

Juan A. Avellaner, Technical Director, EYDESA and Fotoplat Executive Committee

“Integration into the Electricity Grid in 2030”

Carlos Álvarez Ortega, Chief Smart Grid Scientist, Huawei FusionSolar

«New PV Manufacturing trends of 2020/2021- Rising opportunity for ultra-high efficiency modules»

Carlos Magistris, Senior Technical Service Manager, JinkoSolar Europe

11:15-11:30        BREAK


Different points of view on the Climate Change Law, is a consensus possible?

  • Does your party agree with the general objectives established by the law? What is your opinion on the objectives of the fight against climate change that the law sets?

  • What are the main amendments affecting the photovoltaic sector that your party has presented?

  • Do you think that a consensus will be possible?

  • If you were the next minister, what would be your priorities regarding energy issues?

Moderator: Antonio Cerrillo, La Vanguardia

Joan Capdevila i Esteve, Member of Parliament for Barcelona, ​​GP Esquerra Republicana

Diego Gago Bugarín, Spokesperson for Climate Change, GPP

Juan Antonio López de Uralde, President of the Commission for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, Confederal GP of United We Can-En Comú Podem-Galicia en Común

María Carmen Martínez Granados, Spokesperson for the TE and RD Commission, Citizens


Financing of large plants and photovoltaic projects

  • Have the financial conditions of the projects changed in the new energy scenario?

  • Under what conditions would a market project be bankable?

  • Do you think the PNIEC figures are bankable without auctions?

Moderator: Miguel Ángel Patiño, Expansión

Daniel Machuca Reyes, Executive Director, Banco Santander (pc)

Roger Font, Global Director of Project, Asset and Specialized Businesses, Banco Sabadell

Emi Takehara, Director Structured Finance, Grenergy

Daniel Barandalla, Senior Project Manager for Due Diligence, UL

Antonio Fernández-Montells, CFO, Greenalia

13: 30-14: 00 Closing

José Donoso, General Director, UNEF

More information about UNEF and the Solar Forum at:


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