A Coruña It is the third Spanish city in which the most swear words are used, a classification in which Vigo ranks seventh. This is revealed by a survey carried out by the platform online Preply language learning among 1,500 residents of the 19 most populated areas of the country. Santa Cruz of Tenerife tops the ranking with 16 tacos per day, followed by Granada with 13. To the area of A Coruña-Olerios-Arteixo, with 12 profanities, is followed by the triangle Oviedo-Gijón-Avilés (11), Murcia-Orihuela (11). Palm, Vigo and Barcelona equal with 10 in the 6th to 8th places, and Madrid and Zaragoza close the top ten with 9. Las Palmas, Alicante-Elche and Valencia are the areas where fewer cues are used, with 5 and 7 cues.
According to the survey, Spaniards say an average of 9 tacos a day, a lower figure than the average of other countries such as USA (21), Poland (19), United Kingdom (10) or Germany (10). On the other hand, in countries like Italy (9) or Brazil (7), the average is equal to or lower than that of Spain. No trace, curiously, of Argentina, famous for the ingenious string of swear words that the fans of his soccer team pour out on social networks in the event of defeat. Some masters of the expletive.
The meetings with friends (31.39%), being at home (31,15%) o driving (16.59%) are the places where Spaniards say the most tacos, according to the report. A study would be interesting to investigate the relationship between traffic density and swear words.
The study also analyzes the situations in which Spaniards refrain from saying bad words. The data collected reveals that the vast majority of respondents avoid using obscene language in front of children (68.54%), closely followed by those who prefer not to swear in front of their boss (68.22%). Thirdly, the data reveals that 59.89% of those surveyed avoid swearing in front of old people. Vigo It is the city where it is most avoided (68%) to swear in front of unknown.
Los friends (35,11 %), oneself (21.68%) or our couples (14.08%) are the main instigators of the use of profanity. Vigo stands out as the city in which it is most likely (16%) to say curses to coworkers.
and there is gender gap gossip: men use swear words more frequently (10.41 times a day) than women (7.86 times a day).
On the other hand, generations younger they are more likely to swear: on average, Spaniards between the ages of 16 and 24 say about 11.64 swear words a day, compared to respondents over 55, who use obscene words 4.25 times a day.
Despite the generalization of the taco, containment is advisable, because the foul word is not always innocuous: the survey indicates that in Spain, almost half of the population (48.63%) assures take offense before the use of profanity.