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Vignettes are cheaper, but raise taxes for trucks and buses (Obzor)

The increase in tolls will further increase inflation, the carriers said after a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Grozdan Karadzhov.

The change for heavy equipment will be from July 1

Vignettes for cars will become cheaper after their prices have not been touched for 7 years. This will happen from January 1 next year. On the other hand, the average amount of toltaxes paid by trucks and buses will increase by an average of 2.5 times as of July 1. This became clear during a public discussion of the new tolls at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, which was attended by the main branch organizations of the carriers.

According to Deputy Prime Minister and Regional Minister Grozdan Karadzhov

the value of

the vignettes will

decrease by 10%,

as where the sum is not an integer, it will be rounded. For example, the annual vignette for a car is now BGN 97, and from January 1 next year it will be BGN 87.

However, the purpose of the meeting was to present the proposals for the new tolls to the carriers. Representatives of the industry are against, because tolls will now be paid for both second-class and a small part of third-class roads. Until now, they were included only pro forma in the scope of the toll system, but the tolls were zero.

According to the executive director of the Union of International Carriers Yordan Arabadjiev

the average


is 2-3 times

“Everywhere in the European Union, governments are removing excise duties on fuels, reducing or eliminating the bio-component in diesel and petrol. Against this background, you are going to increase our costs, “he said.

Arabadjiev also pointed out that out of over 3 million vehicles registered in Bulgaria, only 70,000 are trucks.

Karadzhov replied that the main damage to the road surfaces was caused by heavy vehicles. In addition, cars currently provide about two-thirds of all toll revenue, while heavy trucks only provide one-third.

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