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Viewers “The seventh day” put minister Demir to fire about energy bill, solar panels and the wolf

The rising energy bill

Can’t you do more from Flanders to lower the invoice?

The rising energy bill is a source of concern for many. The federal government is currently looking at what it can do to lower the price for people, but can’t Flanders also do something? “I’ve been trying to get all kinds of Flemish components out of the invoice for two years now,” says Demir. Although that is not always obvious, she emphasizes. “The green certificates were thrown into the energy bill by the purple-green government in 2002, I can’t get them out just like that. But in the coming months and years I will make the most of it that I can get out of it. We need to stop turning energy bills into a tax bill.

The solar panels

Do you think it’s normal for the government to make promises to the citizen, change the gun and then shoot the citizen in the back?

Michael and Jade recently bought a house and with their savings they also installed solar panels. With the system of the revolving counter, that would be financially interesting. Only that system was destroyed by the Constitutional Court. Since then, the bill has been rising for the couple.

I said from the beginning that politics failed“, says Demir. “Things have been promised and at one point it seemed as if the government was selling solar panels. I understand that many people are angry. All I could do was make sure that compensation came that was reasonable. I can’t say we’re going to reimburse everything because someone has to pay it eventually.”

Does the rollback counter system come back?

“I’m not going to reintroduce a system that’s standing on legal quicksand. I’m not going to piss people off again. We need to stop making promises we can’t keep.

De wolf

Why does everything and everyone have to give way to the wolf?

In Limburg many are not pleased with the return of the wolf. Animals are bitten to death and people are scared. “The wolf himself came here, no one brought him here,” says Demir. “I immediately said that it will be a challenge. We do two things. First and foremost, there are the wolf-resistant fences, for which Flanders provides subsidies. On the other hand, together with all scientists, we will provide information in the area. I understand the fear, but it’s a challenge that we have to face together.”

Nitrogen detention

How will you ensure that we continue to maintain a living income despite the strict environmental guidelines?

Due to a nitrogen ruling, the guidelines on how much nitrogen industry, but especially agriculture, may emit are very strict. As a result, many farmers currently do not receive approval to expand, for example. So are Jan and daughter Charlotte. They came to the studio to express their displeasure.

“I certainly understand you. The standards are stricter for livestock farming than for industry because agriculture is responsible for 78 percent of nitrogen precipitation ammonia emissions,” says Demir. “I hope to have a final framework by the end of this year that will provide clarity for everyone.”


Are you still satisfied with the PFOS Commission of Inquiry in the Flemish Parliament?

It was Minister Demir himself who suggested in parliament months ago for a PFOS investigation committee. “I was confronted with many questions, for which there were not enough answers. When I see how the committee is now evolving – with many questions that are not yet clear – I think that was a good decision.”

Does her fellow minister and party colleague Ben Weyts think the same? The decision not to communicate about the risks of PFOS in the past is being examined by former minister Joke Schauvliege (CD&V) and then minister of Mobility Weyts. “He was responsible for the major industrial works and a report said there was no human risk (at Oosterweel, ed.). He was not competent for the whole of Flanders and the residential areas. The Commission of Inquiry must look into what went wrong.”

INTEGRAL – View the full question session with Minister Demir . here

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