The singer has made headlines in recent weeks due to his open admission of guilt, but doesn’t say a word about it on Saturday night’s schedule. However, Waylon is not silent and pays homage to André Hazes, who died on September 23, 2004 at the age of 53. “Everyone understood Hazes,” says Waylon, who is actually just called Willem.
“And why was that? Because he spoke simple language,” continues the singer. “And that simple language came out because the journey inward had already been done by him. He explained to us what we feel, what we struggle with in life. He made it clear to us in very simple words.”
Viewers on Twitter are also clear: They want more Waylon and react positively to the performance. “The result was tears in the eyes and goosebumps,” someone wrote. Another says, ‘Words fail here.’
It is the first time Waylon can be seen on a show again since news of his betrayal. The singer would actually be with a woman tells his story, but both sides drop the conversation at the last minute because “so much material has already been given to the conversation” by the media.
In June, gossip channels shared that the singer had cheated on his girlfriend Bibi Breijman when she was still pregnant with their second child. Waylon later admitted in a now deleted post on Instagram that he “did it”. He later informed RTL Boulevard that the two “solve their problems together”.
Matthijs continues it is visible every Saturday at 9:30 pm on NPO1. Watch the episode with Waylon here Backwards.