SVT’s “Husdrömmar” continues to push on and the tenth season began with festivities. Together with former participants, the presenters celebrated Anne Lundberg and Gert Wingårdh that the program turns ten years old.
– What a group we gathered!, said Anne when the festivities got underway.
One person who was missing from the party was the former presenter Pernilla Månsson Colt. But there was a reason for that. Read about why Pernilla Månsson Colt was not at the Husdrömmar party here.
Husdrömmar viewers: “Hope for improvement”
During the course of the season, the program offered several unique projects and personal journeys, which touched the viewers – not least when the house builder Ellen also talked about his transition. Here you can find out more about the viewers’ tributes to Husdrömmar-Ellen.
But not all viewers are completely satisfied with the past season and in social media, and mainly on Instagram, several criticize the program:
“I love house dreams and haven’t missed a single episode in many years, but unfortunately think that there has been less focus on the construction/renovation itself and more on the families. Nothing wrong in itself, but I would have liked to see the opposite.”
“House dreams maybe need a break for a year to catch up and be able to get back to their proper place? As so many others say, it’s a bit sad to see half-finished objects and very personal stories as a filler in the lack of the renovation/construction/house.”
“Sad with all the unfinished projects. This season has only been like that. Nothing quite finished.”
“Also want to see more of the build!! Like kitchen & bathroom, have hardly seen a bathroom and what they chose for materials/features etc. It’s fun to follow the family but they are 90 percent family and 10 percent renovation/after pictures.”
“What a crap show it’s become.”
“As usual then, draws over 1 million, doesn’t keep to schedule. But for the presenters, everything is still fantastic. Soon don’t know why I bother every week to watch, hope for improvement.”

SVT’s response to the criticism: “The people who carry house dreams”
When News24 contacts SVT for a comment on the criticism, they respond as follows in a written comment:
“It’s the people who carry the house dreams, so it’s also them we follow in the program and have always done. How much focus there is on the construction itself therefore differs a little depending on the project, and the people who run the construction projects. Considering that we also have no control over how the buildings keep to their schedule, it also happens that some projects are not quite finished, as planned.”
“Just in recent seasons, this has become more noticeable as the pandemic, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the economic situation have affected both deliveries and the finances of the projects. But most of the time our participants reach the goal of realizing their dream, and manage to move into their houses in all case, although there may be several more years of continued construction thereafter.”