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View the corona figures of 1 April in nine graphs NOW

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) publishes an overview of figures on the corona crisis in the Netherlands every day. NU.nl brought together the most figures that are now known (Wednesday 1 April) in nine graphs.

The number of deaths per day

In the daily RIVM update, newly reported deaths are brought out. This does not mean that so many people died that day, but that RIVM received so many reports on that day.

There is a delay between the moment that a death is diagnosed and the moment when the report is received by RIVM. The graph below shows the actual number of deaths per day. These numbers can still change. In this article we explain in detail how that works.

Peak in hospital admissions seems to have been reached in North Brabant

The number of hospital admissions of corona patients appears to be leveling off after the peak on March 24. RIVM has observed a downward trend in recent years, especially in the province of Noord-Brabant. The peak in that province may already be over.

There are relatively many hospital admissions in the provinces of South Holland, North Holland, Gelderland and Limburg. RIVM describes the number of hospital admissions in the northern provinces, Flevoland and Zeeland as “stable low”.

Whether there is actually a flattening of the number of hospital admissions can only be concluded in a few days. However, RIVM says that the number of hospital admissions “is increasing less than you would expect without measures”.

Especially the elderly admitted to hospital

On March 29, half of all corona patients reported to RIVM were 64 or older. It is also mainly elderly people who are admitted to hospital, as shown in the table below.

According to the currently known figures, two corona patients under the age of fifty died. According to RIVM, they both had serious underlying health problems.

Southern provinces hit hard

Coronavirus infections have been diagnosed in all provinces in the Netherlands. North Brabant, the Dutch province in which the coronavirus first appeared, has the most infections. Relatively many infections have also been detected in South Holland and North Holland.

However, the number of reported infections should be noted: only vulnerable groups are still tested for the corona virus. The total number of infections in the country – and per province – is probably much higher.

Increase in number of withdrawals on the IC

The number of Dutch people in intensive care (IC) passed Monday morning the thousand. The vast majority of these patients are infected with the coronavirus. The other patients on the ICU are likely to be infected and will be treated as, to be sure corona patient.

In recent times, many IC beds have been added to accommodate the growing number of admissions of corona patients. The number of IC beds has already been scaled up from 1,150 to 1,600. Capacity should be expanded to 2,400 beds by the end of this week. Nineteen hundred places are reserved for corona patients.

The number of withdrawals on the IC grows by about eighty a day. On average, patients spend two to three weeks in intensive care.

Most deaths in Spain and Italy

Spain and Italy in particular have so far been severely affected by the corona virus. In Italy there were 11,691 deaths on Wednesday, in Spain there are 7,340.

Outside of Europe are in the United States (3,170) and Iran (2,757). relatively many people died from the effects of the coronavirus.

The deaths of the different countries cannot simply be compared, because the number of inhabitants differs per country. To get a better idea of ​​how badly a country is affected, the infographic below shows the number of deaths per million inhabitants.

In the Netherlands, this is fifty deaths per million inhabitants. In more affected countries like Italy, deaths per million have increased to 193.

However, these figures do not yet say everything about the death rate per country. The way of care differs per country. In the Netherlands, for example, relatively fewer older people are admitted to ICs. Also, not all countries are in the same phase of the virus outbreak.

Follow the latest developments around the virus in us live blog.

The coronavirus in short

  • The coronavirus mainly spreads from person to person via sneezing and cough drops. The chance of becoming infected through surfaces such as door handles is small. This chance decreases if you wash your hands often.
  • You can considerably reduce the chance of spreading by keeping at least 1.5 meters away from others.
  • An infected person infects two to three others on average. Precautions are necessary to contain this.
  • The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) complaints.
  • Almost all deaths involve the elderly or other vulnerable persons, such as heart, lung or diabetes patients. If everyone complies with the measures, this reduces their risks.
  • Read here what precautions you should take.

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