In the Reels tab, first users can place video views in the middle of the video screen and see the current view count next to it.
A few months ago on Instagram Impressions as a metric for all formats has been introduced. This takes into account development that sees video content as a focus for platform development. More than half of the time spent on Instagram is spent on Reels content, and the trend is rising. According to analyzes from Buffer and Metricool, Reels also has a long way to go the largest area among Instagram formats.
To be able to see specific details about this, there is now a new feature test.
This format even surpasses champion reels in terms of communication

Reels Views at first sight
Social media expert Lindsey Gamble reports via Threads that the first creators will see the number of views directly when they view their own videos in the Reels tab. These are displayed next to the “View Insights” shortcut, which is still visible to us without the view count display.

Post by @lindseygamble_
A look at the threads
If the feature is rolled out to more users soon, creators will get instant insight into performance. This is completely in line with the optimization efforts on the platform. Instagram did this recently, for example Tested Reels On-Screen Tips. Many of the current video updates should please the creators, and so should a view like this. However, Instagram’s confirmation that the quality of the video when played on the platform is related to the performance of recent anger videos.
Video quality depends on performance

2024-11-04 11:14:00
#View #Reels #Views #video #Online