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Vietnamese international student helped write textbooks while studying for a master’s degree in Australia

Nguyen Ngoc Linh shared the good news on the Threads social network account


3 months to complete the draft program

Three months after completing the subject “Communication Concepts”, Nguyen Ngoc Linh, a Master of Communication student at Deakin University, received an invitation to write the syllabus for this subject.

“I was really surprised when I received an invitation from Ms. Erin Hawley – the lecturer in charge of the subject on September 9.2023. I have 3 months to finish the manuscript. In May this year, the book was published and put into use in the new school year. This is a rare opportunity for international students like me,” said the international student.

According to Ngoc Linh, the difficulties were resolved thanks to the enthusiastic help of the instructors. Linh said: “As the lead author, Ms. Hawley provided specific instructions on textbook writing requirements related to language, citations… She also provided detailed feedback so that I could better understand the learning requirements and how to develop content accordingly. I realized that my perspective is a unique one that can contribute to the value of the program. »

A Vietnamese international student helped write textbooks while studying for a master's degree in Australia - Photo 2.

Ngoc Linh gave flowers to the main author during the introduction of the program

13 co-authors are learners

Exchange with Thanh Nienlead author of the course, Dr Erin Hawley, director of the postgraduate program in communications at Deakin University, said the students were invited to contribute to the course because they came from diverse backgrounds. “Some students work as journalists, television producers or graphic designers. Each person’s specialized knowledge and cultural background becomes valuable when shared among students,” Dr. Hawley said.

Regarding the ‘Communication Concepts’ program, Dr Hawley said it was an Education Document (OER) format, the foundation of which is collaboration enabling educators and learners to inherit and adapt content as needed.

“A program that includes the perspectives of students from many countries is reasonable. This helps learners understand both their own cultural perspective and that of others. No instructor can represent all student cultures and identities. Therefore, if students simply absorb each instructor’s opinions, learning will not be effective,” added Dr. Hawley.

To publish an open textbook, Dr. Hawley said, “The publisher must write a book proposal and have it approved by a subject expert. This is the process applicable to open educational materials and commercial textbooks. » Still according to Dr Hawley, OER is widely deployed monde Today.

A Vietnamese international student helped write textbooks while studying for a master's degree in Australia - Photo 3.

The Communication Concepts course will be put into service from September 9, 2024


“So OER doesn’t just take place at Deakin University or in Australia. OER aims to benefit students and improve their lives and experiences. Students can access OER online for free, reducing their financial burden compared to commercial textbooks, which are often very expensive,” explained Dr. Hawley.

Working with 13 student co-authors, Dr. Hawley said the work process went smoothly. According to Dr. Hawley, the key element of the collaborative process is clarity. “Students need to have specific information and deadlines. They must also benefit from autonomy in checking and editing manuscripts. In addition, students also receive information about the Creative Commons licensing system related to copyright issues, and participate in a workshop on open learning resources and copyright organized by library staff . ” said Dr. Hawley.


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