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Viersen: murder trial against educator Sandra M.

11 December 2020 – 12:47 Clock

From Rebekka Kaiser

Sandra M. worked for a year in a daycare center in Krefeld, where she completed her qualification year as part of her training as an educator. Her daycare colleagues at the time have now testified before the Mönchengladbach regional court – and the accused heavily burdened: Callous, rigid and artificial – that’s how Sandra M. was to the children in everyday life. The now 25-year-old defendant was not trusted. Sandra M. is accused of insidiously murdering three-year-old Greta in her sleep in a daycare center in Viersen in April. Apparently she wasn’t the only victim

Head of skills of Sandra M .: “That didn’t work!”

Calm, but determined – that’s how Heike B. appears when she testifies before the Mönchengladbach regional court. The 51-year-old manager has a neat short hairstyle, is voluminous and keeps looking over the edge of her glasses at the judge. In her career she has probably met many young teachers – one of them was Sandra M.

In August 2017, the 25-year-old began her recognition year in the daycare center that Heike B. runs. Sandra M. obviously did not make herself popular. “She was unable to develop a relationship with the children and it was difficult for her to recognize their needs,” explains Heike B. While Heike B. is speaking, the accused makes thoughtful notes on a piece of paper. It must be uncomfortable to hear only bad things about your professional skills.

What the mother of the killed Greta now demands – in our video.


“No sensitivity, no empathy”

“Educators have to watch children carefully and decide when to intervene”, Heike B. explains in court. Sandra M. apparently could not interpret many things in everyday life, was overwhelmed. Sandra M. was apparently completely powerless in many situations. According to Heike B’s description, she found no measure of an appropriate reaction, could not comfort the children, build them up or join in their joy.

The educators in the daycare center realized early on that they could not leave Sandra M. alone with the children. Again and again there were “crisis talks” with Sandra M. The now 25-year-old showed her understanding and accepted the criticism – but she was never able to implement it. Sandra M. always emphasized that the job of educator was her “dream job”.

The colleagues at the day care center advised Sandra M. to change jobs – they apparently thought she was so incompetent. “She was often condescending and not on the same level as the children,” explains another teacher in court. While her former colleague speaks, Sandra M. defiantly shakes her head in the dock. As if she could hardly believe what is being said about her here. Despite her bad grades, she always found a job as a teacher.

Educator from Viersen

Sandra M. is said to have mistreated several children.

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Greta was probably not Sandra M.’s only victim.

Sandra M.’s year of recognition in the Kita in Krefeld ended in August 2018. She got the grade “poor”. Nevertheless, Sandra M. found a job as a teacher again and again. Most recently she worked in a day care center in Viersen. There she is said to have killed three-year-old Greta in her sleep in April. It was Sandra M.’s last day at work, and the manager was not satisfied with the 25-year-old either.

In the trial against Sandra M. at the Mönchengladbach regional court, all employees of the daycare centers in which the defendant worked are now being interrogated. In addition to the murder of little Greta, the public prosecutor’s office also accuses Sandra M. of having mistreated people under protection in eight other cases.

Did Sandra M. also abuse little Samuel in her care?

Several incidents are said to have occurred in the Kita in Krefeld during Sandra M’s recognition year. Little Samuel is said to have been lying in the dormitory once – and was hardly accessible anymore. At that time, according to her colleagues, Sandra M. was taking care of the little boy and apparently asked for help when suddenly something was wrong with him.

Her colleagues then found Samuel in a strange state in his bed: he was physically limp, his head tilted back when they lifted him. In another incident, the emergency doctor even came to take care of the child. However, after all these years, one could no longer remember the exact process, emphasized almost all the kindergarten teachers on the witness stand.

Samuel was linguistically underdeveloped. His mother said on the witness stand that her son had sometimes tried to speak of a woman in daycare. But he couldn’t say much more than “this woman, this woman”. Whether this woman is Sandra M. – that remains unclear, however. The child is still in daycare today. Since Sandra M. left the daycare center, health complaints have never occurred again, emphasizes an educator.

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