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“Viennese blood” in the Brucknerhaus for many helpers with passion in the crisis

A lot of passion has gone into the performance of Johann Strauss ?? The operetta “Wiener Blut” flowed in the Brucknerhaus in Linz, which accompanied numerous visitors into the New Year on New Year’s Eve in the semi-concert production by Susanne Sommer with the Johann Strauss Ensemble under Guido Mancusi. With another, already sold out performance on January 5th, the Brucknerhaus and its artistic director Dietmar Kerschbaum, together with the Schlumberger Sektkellerei, generously supported the “Tombola of Appreciation” initiated by the OÖNachrichten, in which around 6000 nurses from Upper Austria’s hospitals took part in December . “They are the real heroes in this pandemic, all the women and men who strive in the hospitals under the most difficult of conditions to provide all patients – those who are sick with Covid, as well as everyone else – the best possible care and fight for their lives “, Kerschbaum bows before the medical staff, among whom the winners were drawn on December 15, 2000.

Verheiratete Filous

This time, the owner of the Bruckner house can be seen on stage himself: as Count Baldwin Zedlau, who is not that particular about his loyalty to his wife Gabriele. The operetta has accompanied the tenor from a young age. He made his debut at the Vienna Volksoper in 1999 at the age of 29 as the youngest Count von Eisenstein in the company’s history. He slips into the role of the philosopher with a wink of delight: “Even though you’re married, you can hang out the Filou on stage and officially flirt. That has an unbelievable charm when you’re in a relationship. You can cheat on stage and is then applauded by his own wife, “says the Burgenlander, who does not take light muse lightly. “For performers, the operetta is one of the most difficult”, it requires “great discipline and conscientiousness. You have to master the balance between singing and dialogue. In addition, the operetta demands charm, elegance and dancing skill. Above all, you have to be able to laugh at yourself . Anyone who cannot do that is out of place in the operetta. ” For him, the genre itself is “a piece of Austria. I am proud that we have it.” “Wiener Blut” is just one of many musical highlights with which the Brucknerhaus starts the new year – under the highest security precautions (in the middle hall the 2G rule applies, in the big hall 2G +).

Start of the year in the Brucknerhaus

“The Night of Musicals” attracts visitors today and tomorrow as a guest event. The first concert in the series “Organ Music for Teatime” of the 2021/22 season with organist Johannes Ebenbauer (9 January) tells the story of “Free Fantasy”.

“Russian Tuesday” (January 10th) invites you to chamber music with piano, trombone and clarinet. Johann Sebastian Bach and his sons will dedicate themselves to Emmanuel Pahud (flute) and Mahan Esfahani (harpsichord) on January 11th. The Salzburg violinist and violist Benjamin Herzl and pianist Ingmar Lazar plunge into romanticism – with works from the circle of friends of Clara and Robert Schumann (17.1).

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