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Viennese Adult Education Month: Connecting Education and Lifelong Learning

September in Vienna was dedicated to adult education. The Vienna Adult Education Network (NEW), which now has eleven members, organized the “Viennese Adult Education Month” and networked numerous organizations and initiatives. They presented their offerings throughout Vienna under the motto “Education connects”. A total of over 20 different events were available to choose from, such as:

* Long night of popular education at the VHS with over 200 offerings

* BFI Vienna Career Day

* Language cafés

* Discussion and information events, workshops and much more.

Vice Mayor and City Councilor for Education, Youth, Integration and Transparency Christoph Wiederkehr underlines the relevance of the offer: “Lifelong learning is the key to the development of an enlightened society. The first event of the Viennese Adult Education Month reminds us that education is not tied to age limits , but a continuous process that lays the foundation for a dynamic and progressive community. In adult education, we not only shape individual destinies, but also shape the future of our city.”

“Further education is an area of ​​responsibility that requires very good networking at all levels in order to reach as many people as possible and win them over to non-formal education. The institutions in Vienna have shown, especially with their collaboration for the Viennese Adult Education Month, that this Strategy can be very successful. I hope that this good cooperation continues and grows,” explains Daniela Piegler, Head of the Adult Education and Youth Department of the City of Vienna – Education and Youth (MA 13).

“With this month, we wanted to show that adult education does not have to be limited to professional work, but offers a diverse field of possibilities. Further education strengthens people in every respect and promotes commonality. We hope that we have made many Viennese people want to do something to find something that makes them happy,” summarizes Herbert Schweiger, head of the VHS and spokesman for the Vienna Adult Education Network.

Kick-off event in the town hall

The celebratory start to the month was the Vienna Adult Education Fair on September 1, 2023 in the Arkadenhof and in the Volkshalle of the town hall. Participating organizations presented themselves with information stands and a supporting program that included lectures, a science show, music and a children’s program attracted numerous visitors. “This shows how much people enjoy getting to know something new, about other educational institutions and formats,” says Georg Radlmair, co-organizer of the campaign.

“”I’ve found something there,” a visitor to the trade fair tells me. Places where people can find out about educational opportunities in a low-threshold and without pressure are more important than ever,” says Angelika Neuner, co-organizer of the campaign.

Country network for further education

The Vienna Adult Education Network (NEW) is part of the “Weiter.Bildung” state network and has been chairing it since January 2023. It advocates for the interests of adult education and libraries in Austria, carries out an intensive exchange of information with the offices of the state governments, the Federal Ministry of Education, the KEBÖ (Austrian Adult Education Conference), the institutions of the European Union and thus makes an important contribution to Further development of adult education and libraries in Austria.

The Vienna Adult Education Center, the Catholic Education Center and the Albert Schweitzer House – Forum for Civil Society and Diakonia – One World Academy are in charge of Vienna.

More on this: www.bildung-verbindet.wien

Inquiry note: Nina Oezelt Media Spokesperson Vice Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr, MA Tel.: +43 1 4000 83221 Email: nina.oezelt@wien.gv.at Nadja Pospisil Media Spokesperson Vienna Adult Education Center Tel.: +43 1 89 174 100 105 Email: nadja.pospisil@vhs.at

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2023-10-06 23:28:42
#Viennese #Adult #Education #Month #Review

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