© Courier / Juerg Christandl
The increase in the parental contribution in urban after-school care centers leads to additional costs of 270 euros per child per year.
The rise in prices does not stop at the municipal education system either: the contributions that parents have to pay for open elementary schools and after-school care centers are to be increased. This emerges from documents from the education committee of the municipal council, which will meet next week and which are available to the KURIER.
In urban after-school care centers, an increase in the parental contribution is planned from EUR 187.35 to EUR 207.08 per month, for meals from EUR 72.33 to EUR 79.95. Overall is about it of additional costs of 270 euros to go out annually per child.
Parents whose children go to an open elementary school, i.e. with fvoluntary afternoon care, have to come along Additional costs of 130 euros per year and child – the daily rate should increased from EUR 6.40 to EUR 7.10 per day. Lunch, for which you currently pay an average of 5 euros, could also become more expensive. “It can be assumed that the costs (…) of the food suppliers will also be increased,” says the letter to the members of the education committee.
However, there is still the possibility of discounts for those with custody on a low income. If you earn up to 1,864.94 euros, you pay nothing at all, you only become a full-payer from an income of 3,502.22 euros.
Demand for free school
Education City Councilor Christoph Wiederkehr (Neos) “proves once again that he has completely lost touch with people,” comments this Viennese ÖVP leader Karl Mahrer. The Turks take this as an opportunity to reaffirm their demand for a free open school.
➤ Continue reading: ÖVP wants free food at open elementary schools
Because: The other variant, the interlinked all-day schools in the city with compulsory afternoon care, has been completely free since the 2020/21 school year. “Instead of finally ensuring justice here and ending the financial disadvantages of after-school care, families are being burdened even more,” says ÖVP education spokesman Harald Zierfuss.
The application for the increase in costs will now be submitted to the education committee, and the municipal council should decide on it on May 24th. Since Neos and SPÖ have a majority, it is unlikely that he will be rejected. The change is expected to come into effect this year – starting with the coming school year.
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2023-05-05 21:17:46
#Elementary #schools #afterschool #care #centers #Vienna #money #parents