Home » today » News » Vienna Stock Exchange (close) 1 – ATX loses 0.07 percent | 17/1/20

Vienna Stock Exchange (close) 1 – ATX loses 0.07 percent | 17/1/20

The Vienna Stock Exchange added on Friday
average volume with a justified trend
closed. The domestic leading index ATX fell against that
Thursday’s close (3,174.86) rose 2.34 points or 0.07 percent
3,172.52 counters.

Compared to Ultimo 2019, the ATX is 14.42 points or today
0.45 percent in the minus. The ATX Prime closed with a minus of
0.05 percent or 0.83 points at 1,604.43 units.

The ATX reached its daily high at 3:43 p.m. with 3,194.77 points.
The daily low at 4:52 p.m. was 3,167.97 points. In the prime market
At the end of the session, 18 titles with higher courses, 14 with
lower and six unchanged.

The prime market traded 3,084,844 (previous day: 3,322,764)
Number of shares (single count). OMV was the strongest-selling share
462,422 shares. In terms of value, sales came in the prime market today
of EUR 97.790 (98.383) million, of which EUR 22.38 million
OMV alone accounted for.

(Continued) dkm

ISIN AT0000999982

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