Home » today » Entertainment » Vienna / Klosterneuburg – opening ceremony in the Albertina was canceled

Vienna / Klosterneuburg – opening ceremony in the Albertina was canceled

On March 12, the opening of the Albertina modern should have taken place in the Vienna Künstlerhaus, which also includes numerous works from the Essl Collection. But now Albertina director Klaus Albrecht Schröder has pulled the emergency brake: “Unfortunately, I have to inform you that the large opening of the Albertina that is planned for March 12 cannot take place in the originally intended extent.” The risk of infection is “below.” given the circumstances “too big.

“We are therefore motivated to carry out the opening ceremony of the Albertina in a smaller scale than planned: in the circle of lenders and the artists participating in the opening exhibition, The Beginning. Art in Austria 1945 to 1980 ‘are shown. You can follow the ceremony live from 6.30 p.m. in the Facebook stream from home or watch the recording afterwards, even without a Facebook account, ”explains Schröder.

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