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Vienna is different and wants to finish the football season

Lower Austria and Burgenland have torn patience, both associations have declared the season for various leagues over. Maybe too hasty?

Vienna is different – and could make a decision in the interests of football on May 11 at the board meeting. Because the Vienna Association around President Robert Sedlacek, Johannes Dobretsberger and Christian Schlosser wants to bring the season to a sporty final whistle. For this it is necessary to finish at least the first half of the season.

The clubs of the Vienna City League have already spoken out in favor of this in a meeting this week.

This should or must be possible within the deadline. Since the city of Vienna will open general life again on May 19, team training will start on this day.

The first round on the weekend of 12./13. June. With this, the clubs accept that the preparation time does not include the required four weeks, but falls short by a few days.

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