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Vienna election 2020: These parties will run in Simmering

Which parties are on the ballot paper for the election in Simmering at district and community level?

SIMMERING. Elections will be held in Vienna on October 11th. Then it will not only be decided who will join the Vienna City Council, but also how the individual district parliaments in Vienna will be filled. It is clear that the big parties will stand for both bodies. But many small parties will also be on the ballot papers on October 11th.

In Simmering, for example, come to the established parties FPÖ (District Chairman Paul Stadler) ROD (District Vice Thomas Steinhart), Green (Top candidate Patrick Zöchling), ÖVP (Top candidate Wolfgang Kieslich) and Neos (Top candidate Christiane Körner) added four other parties or electoral alliances that have collected enough declarations of support to be allowed to run in the election.

The “big ones”

District chief Stadler is focusing on the expansion of the U3 to Kaiserebersdorf and the creation of a medical center. His deputy Steinhart also attaches great importance to the expansion of health care, new community buildings and a fifth police station.

Kieslich wants to fight for an extension of the U3 and to make Simmeringer Hauptstrasse more attractive. Körner would like the Simmering population to be heard more and to be the focus of attention again. Under Zöchling, the Greens are calling for car-free school streets, Tempo 30 in all residential areas, an expansion of cycle paths and green oases instead of asphalt deserts.

Four small parties

As already mentioned, in addition to the established large parties in Simmering, there are also four small parties in the autumn election.

At “Links“The name says it all: The political organization wants to be a left-wing alternative to the SPÖ. In the 11th district, adult educator Natascha Wanek will run as the top candidate.

Heinz-Christian Strache wants it with his Team HC Strache know again. He has enough declarations of support in Simmering, where founding member Klaus Handler was the FPÖ district councilor in the district representation until 2015. His focus is on the greening of heavily built-up areas and the U3 extension.

The Beer party after her candidacy in the previous National Council election, she is now also running in the Vienna election. The team around singer Marco Pogo has enough signatures in all districts and of course in his home district of Simmering. The goal: to make Vienna “future-rich” and to become the new Viennese “beer master”.

Also the Social Party Austria of the Future (SÖZ) was able to find enough supporters to compete in the district and at the state level. Martha Bißmann, the former List Mushroom Mandate and later wild member of the National Council, is the top candidate in Vienna. The candidates for the district had not been determined by the editorial deadline.

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