The daily winner on Monday was Vienna Airport with 4.71% to 50.00 (92% usual daily sales, 1-week performance 6.84% – it was the 3rd daily win of 2023, 24th place in Austria) ahead of ams-Osram with 4th .19% to 4.60 (147% vol.; 1W -19.58%) and Pierer Mobility with 2.83% to 65.40 (40% vol.; 1W 1.87%). The daily losers: Linz Textil Holding with -4.00% to 192.00 (25% usual daily sales, 1-week performance -4.00%), Kapsch TrafficCom with -3.22% to 9.62 (82% vol .; 1W -0.41%), Semperit with -2.58% to 16.62 (87% Vol.; 1W 3.49%) The currently longest series: S Immo with 5 days plus in a row (Performance: 14.13 %) – the longest series this year: Frequentis 9 days (performance: 21.21%). See also highest…Read the full article…
2023-10-02 18:41:19
#Vienna #Stock #Exchange #Small #Caps #View #Wow #Vienna #Airport #Reaches #50th