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[Video]Tibetans “rebelled”! Lhasa was locked up for 2.5 months, people exploded in mass protests

The Tibetans have “rebelled”! Lhasa was locked up for two and a half months and people protested on a large scale. (Translated from “Radio Free Asia”)

In order to prevent and control the epidemic, China has implemented a strict “zero policy” and closed the city. It has now been reported that people in Lhasa, Tibet are dissatisfied with the 2.5-month city closure and people’s livelihoods. “Dabai” epidemic prevention officials.

According to Radio Free Asia, on the evening of the 26th of this month, some Tibetan residents in Lhasa took to the streets to protest the long-term closure of the city. People are dissatisfied that the city has been closed for two and a half months so far and that people’s livelihoods are in dire straits, but local officials have not allowed them to go out to buy food and basic necessities. Public grievances have accumulated at a height in the past two days, and also erupted on the evening of the 26th. Many dissatisfied people took to the streets one after another, which once triggered clashes between the police and the people.

The report pointed out that many residents gathered at the scene to protest and confronted “great white” police officers and officials in white protective suits, and the authorities also sent large numbers of police officers to the scene to “maintain stability”. Furthermore, from the video taken by the public it can be seen that a large number of people gathered on the street and clashed with the police. And not only Tibetans participated in the protests, but some Han Chinese who came to work in Tibet also joined the protests.

It is reported that there has not been a major conflict between the police and the public, but some Tibetans have threatened to set themselves on fire if the outbreak prevention policy is not relaxed. The report pointed out that although Chinese officials told Tibet Daily on the 23rd that the blocking rules would be relaxed, local residents believed that this was not true and that Tibetans were still being taken away for quarantine.

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