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Videos on Data Literacy – Federal Statistical Office

Statistics explained – here you will find selected videos from the Federal Statistical Office.

The gross domestic product (GDP)

It is the best-known economic indicator – gross domestic product. The video provides background information.

Gender Pay Gap

On average, women earn less than men – this wage gap is called the “gender pay gap”. How do we calculate it? And why is there an unadjusted and an adjusted gender pay gap?

Risk of poverty

How do you actually calculate poverty?

Material and social deprivation

When is someone considered to be at risk of poverty or social exclusion? There are several conditions for this. We will break down one of them here – material and social deprivation.

What does “immigration history” mean?

People with a migration background, foreigners, people with an immigration history – what is behind the different definitions?

Population forecast briefly explained

March 29, 2023 – Projections show what changes current trends in births, migration and life expectancy would cause in the future, thus making demographic change tangible. In this video, we explain how to arrive at a future projection and what it says.


February 28, 2023 – This video explains what inflation is. More information about Consumer price index.


October 20, 2022 – In this three-minute video, you will learn how the register census will work without additional surveys and what advantages this will bring for politics, administration, science, business and citizens.

Vital signs approach in the register census

The two-minute video illustrates the vital signs approach. In the register census, this innovative procedure is used to ensure the quality of population figures that are obtained purely on the basis of registers without additional surveys.

Information security and data protection in the register census

Information security and data protection are top priorities in the register census. Extensive legal, technical and organizational measures are taken to ensure this. This two-minute video provides information about this.

What is the Income and Expenditure Sample (EVS)?

August 17, 2022 – The Income and Consumption Sample (EVS) is the largest voluntary household survey in official statistics. It is carried out every five years, most recently in 2018. The EVS tells us how much money households in Germany have at their disposal and what they spend it on.

Consumption comparison

March 14, 2022 – Explanatory video on the interactive consumption comparison. The Consumption comparison shows you what the average household in Germany spends its money on. You can compare your own spending with the average values ​​of households that are most similar to yours.

Building and housing register

February 22, 2022 – So far, there is no uniform register in Germany with information on all buildings and apartments that could serve as the data basis for the register census. In this two-minute video, you will learn what other possible uses such a building and apartment register would offer for digital administration.

What is a time use survey (TUS)?

August 18, 2021 – Time use survey data provide insight into how people in different population groups and household types use their time.

More videos are available in our Media library can be found.

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