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VIDEO. “You dirty bastard”… A septuagenarian arrested after cutting a gardener’s throat with a cutter

the essential
The 75-year-old man stabbed a gardener in the throat with a cutter in Val-de-Marne this Friday, November 17. Before physically attacking her, the man had uttered racist insults against her.

The images of the attack shocked many Internet users. A 75-year-old man was arrested and placed under judicial supervision on Monday November 20. The septuagenarian stabbed a gardener in the throat with a cutter who was working in Villecresnes (Val-de-Marne) on Friday, after having uttered racist insults against him.

The offenses retained are “violence with use of a weapon” and “non-public insult due to origin, ethnicity, nation, race or religion”, the public prosecutor told AFP, confirming information from the news site StreetPress. But according to the victim’s lawyer, Me Hosni Maati, “for (his) client, it is indeed an attempted homicide”.

[ud83dudd34RACISME] – “The bougnoules, I’m at home!”, said a septuagenarian to Mourad, 29, who was working in a garden in 94, before slashing his throat 15cm with a cutter

ud83dudde3ufe0f “I almost died.”

The article here u2b07ufe0f

— StreetPress (@streetpress) November 20, 2023

Friday around 2 p.m., the septuagenarian lost his temper when he noticed that a van from a gardening company was blocking his exit from a dead end. “You dirty bastard,” he said before grabbing a cutter and slashing the throat of the 29-year-old gardener 10 centimeters long, a police source detailed.

“My client thought he was dying”

According to this same police source, this version of the facts is corroborated in particular by a video taken by the victim and two videos from video surveillance cameras. The site Mediapart published excerpts of the attack. “Within a few centimeters, he could have hit the jugular or the carotid artery. My client thought he died,” insisted Me Maati. The young father’s injury resulted in 15 days of ITT.

The vile attempt at the Arabophobic throat-slaughter of Val-de-Marne is the result of racist carelessness in the public sphere. The media-political class must pull itself together. Heartfelt thoughts for the victim’s family and loved ones. Let us demand justice and keep it far from us…

— Jean-Luc Mélenchon (@JLMelenchon) November 20, 2023

Freewheeling racism.
All French people, whatever their origins, are at home. The far right, which day after day exposes racism, particularly anti-Muslims, is directly responsible for these crimes. Incitement to racial hatred is an offense not an opinion. https://t.co/Qroes7unyl

— Olivier Faure (@faureolivier) November 20, 2023

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of LFI, condemned a “vile attempt at Arabophobic throat-slitting”while PS boss Olivier Faure spoke of “freewheeling racism”. LFI deputies from Val-de-Marne were also outraged at X (formerly Twitter), Rachel Keke calling to “fight racism”, while Louis Boyard, Mathilde Panot and Clémence Guetté described the attack as “racist”. The septuagenarian will have to appear in court on May 16, 2024, the prosecution said.

2023-11-20 22:30:40
#VIDEO #dirty #bastard #septuagenarian #arrested #cutting #gardeners #throat #cutter

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