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Video .. Wael Ghoneim and his father warn young people against terrorist groups: Know your religion well

Wael Ghoneim revealed that he had previously joined the group of reporting and advocacy when he was a student at the university, saying in a live broadcast through his personal account on the social networking site “Facebook” that he was young at this time and was deceived by the merchants of principles, values ​​and slogans.

Ghoneim participated in the broadcast, his father, Dr. Saeed Abbas Ghoneim, who replied to Wael, saying: “If you entered this line, you were attracted by the number of followers at a time that could have brought you a generous amount of monthly advertisements and this is the reason.”


But Wael Ghoneim, confirmed that this is not true, stressing that he believed in the ideal of these groups and ideas, and mentioned that he had previously torn a number of paintings and destroyed masterpieces and valuable statues in his father’s house, and said sarcastically: “I have broken all the idols in the house.”

While Dr. Saeed Abbas Ghoneim said, “The best things are the middle, and extremism is wrong.”

Ghoneim demanded that his father give advice to the youth so that they would not get carried away in this way, and Dr. Saeed said: “Religion is nice, but I know your religion is good because no one laughs at you.” Hor al-Ain, although he killed innocent people, adding the height of error to imagine an individual that if he blew himself up among soldiers, officers or civilians, he would enter heaven, whoever killed a soul without a soul as if he killed all people.

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