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VIDEO: Vn nehoda slovenskch zchran. Their vz rolled down the hill to Mal Fate, they all got hurt Svt

video-v-horach-na-slovensku-se-skutalel-vuz-se-zachranari-jeden-je-tezce-zraneny.A200906_203531_ln_zahranici_ele" data-article="A200906_203531_ln_zahranici_ele">

BRATISLAVA There were several accidents in Mal Fatra on Saturday, when a car of the Mountain Rescue Service (HZS) collapsed on the piste from an unknown spot. A total of five people sat in the vehicle, all of them injured, and one of the rescues is in good condition, according to HZS information.


The rescue was informed about the event on their Facebook, where they stated that the accident happened on Saturday afternoon. The vehicle, in which the professionals sat and two voluntarily rescued, suddenly collapsed on the ski slope near Chata na Grni.

The car was just going to help the injured tourist to the mountain Poludov gr. After the accidents of the first group, the second group of rescues went to the injured.

Hort rescued from Mal Fatra I want to thank you for support, tolerance and empathy after public accidents. All the rescued people are out of life after the accident, HZS wrote on Facebook.


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