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VIDEO: Visitors are outraged by what they saw on Liepene beach

Liepāja resident Verners and his family visited Liepene, Targale Parish. Although the beach is only a few steps away from his residence in the sea city, he decided to look at the Liepene coast as well, but what he saw caused an unpleasant aftertaste, the program “Bez Tabu” reported.

Hundreds of trees washed away during the storm can be seen on Liepene beach. Although what one sees may be considered a beautiful natural phenomenon, Werner calls it environmental pollution, believing that trees should be collected.

Similar views can be observed on other Latvian beaches. The leaving of the washed-out trees has also been noticed by the world’s leading Canadian travel page, which in 2018 included the territory of Cape Kolka in the top of the most pristine beaches in the world.

“The Law on Protection Zones stipulates that infected or infested trees may be removed, but, for example, the individual regulations of Slītere National Park state that trees may not be removed from the beach.
The head of the nature education center remembers that the initially adopted regulations did not go to the heart of the residents, but now the locals and tourists like to go to Kolka to see the special natural landscape. Often, fallen trees on the beach occur during storms, for example, due to the collapse of steep banks, which also take part of the forest with them. Probably, in the coming months Liepene will become a popular tourist destination, because it should be borne in mind that in the autumn storms, there may be much less trees and come to another beach again, “explains Ērika Kļaviņa,
Head of the Nature Protection Center “Slītere”.


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