Started at the start of the week, the period of unemployment on the Montech canal and the Garonne lateral canal will allow VNF to maintain and modernize its installations. Report from the Escatalens lock where the Tarn-et-Garonne fishing federation took advantage of the lowering of the waters of the reach to recover the fish.
The unemployment period for the Garonne lateral canal began at the beginning of the week and will end on December 22. Weeks used by Voies Navigables de France to launch several maintenance projects in Tarn-et-Garonne. The most important works of the 2023 campaign (140,000 euros) are located at lock number 16 in Escatalens.
Before the work began, the Fishing Federation carried out electric fishing to catch fish lost in the lock before it dried up. It took five days to complete.
“Optimize water resources”
The two doors on the downstream side of the lock must be repaired, in particular the sealing to avoid water loss. Small setback, lead was found on the two doors and a specialized company will have to intervene. At the same time, the walls of the lock must be cleaned.
The gates of the Escatalens lock have been dismantled and placed under a tarpaulin. VNF will have to treat them to remove the lead.
A little further, at the Saint-Martin lock (number 17), after a diagnosis carried out last year, there is talk of re-pointing the walls of the lock and installing a cofferdam downstream . Finally, locks numbers 23 (Cacor), 24 (Grégone) and 26 (L’Espanette) will benefit from new electrical installations, while at Lamagistère (number 31), the project plans to install a cofferdam upstream and replacing a wooden beam with reinforced concrete.
“We are always with the idea of optimizing water resources and limiting losses,” relates Jean Calixte, deputy head of the Garonne territorial department at VNF. This year, we managed the drought, knowing that the lateral canal is less impacted than the Canal du Midi. We take samples from the Garonne in Toulouse. We simply replenished with as little flow as possible to ensure navigation and agricultural irrigation. »
200,000 additional euros to manage the storm
The storm last June also left its mark on the canal. Many ice jams need to be removed between locks 23 and 31, which required lowering the water level in the reaches. “Usually, for the Tarn-et-Garonne sector, we spend around €200,000 for the maintenance and safe felling of around 300 trees. This year, due to the storm episode that occurred last June, an additional €200,000 will have been necessary to manage the consequences of this event. »

It took five days to dry the Escatalens lock.
In another vein, the locks will gradually be equipped with a remote monitoring system thanks to the deployment of fiber. Montech initiated the movement. At the same time, sensors will be installed on the thirty locks which line the Tarn-et-Garonnais route of the canal.
“To support the reliability and modernization of its equipment, Voies navigables de France is dedicating a budget that has grown significantly since 2021 to regeneration work on structures carried out during unemployment since 2021,” continues Jean Calixte. In 2021, within the scope of intervention of the Garonne territorial service covering the three departments of Tarn-et-Garonne, Lot-et-Garonne and Gironde, VNF spent €150,000. In 2022, €450,000 was dedicated to unemployment. The amount reaches €750,000 in 2023.”
2023-11-19 14:51:50
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